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50 Rude Words in Spanish

Learn to Be Rude in Spanish

This web page is filled with mild English to Spanish insults and bad language.

This page will help you if you've been asking yourself things like How do you say Idiot in Spanish? or How do you say Damn in Spanish. Been wondering to yourself How do you say shut up in Spanish? We've got you covered.

When it comes right down to it, this page will pretty much teach you the things that your formal Spanish teacher didn't or won't - so long as we are talking about insults or bad language.

English to Spanish Rude Words and Insults:

You can also view this list of insults with translations from: Spanish to English

(Words in bold added during the last update.)

Idiot / Stupid

Rude Spanish sayings for times when a person's intelligence is in question.

Are you stupid? ➔ ¿Eres estúpido?

Dumb boy ➔ Chico tonto

Idiot ➔ Idiota/Idioto

Moron ➔ Imbécil

Shut up you stupid elephant ➔ Cállete el stupido elephante

Stupid ➔ Chorra

Stupid ➔ Estupido

Stupid ➔ Tonto

Stupid man ➔ Hombre estúpido

Stupid woman ➔ Mujer estúpida

The donkey knows more than you ➔ El burro sabe mas que tu

You are as stupid as the dog ➔ Eres tan estupido como un perro

You are so dumb ➔ Eres tan tonto

You are very stupid ➔ Eres muy estúpido

You're stupid ➔ Eres estúpido

Your mom is stupid ➔ Tu madre es una estupida


Rude Spanish sayings for times when a person's appearance is in question.

Ugly ➔ Fea / Feo

Ugly boy ➔ Chico feo

You are uglier than the butt of a monkey ➔ Tu eres más feo que el culo de un mono

You are very ugly ➔ Tu eres muy feo

You're ugly ➔ Tu eres feo

You're ugly ➔ Tu feo

Your brother is ugly ➔ Tu hermano es feo

Your dog is ugly ➔ Tu perro es feo

Your mother is ugly ➔ Tu madre es fea

Your mother is very fat and ugly ➔ Tu madre es muy gorda y fea

Your sister is ugly ➔ Your sister is ugly


Rude Spanish sayings for times when a person's weight is in question.

Fat ➔ Gordo

Fat girl ➔ Niña gorda

Fat woman ➔ Gorda

Shut your snout fatty ➔ Callate el osico gordota

Your father is fat ➔ Tu padre es gordo

Your mother is fat ➔ Tu madre es gorda

Your mother is very fat and ugly ➔ Tu madre es muy gorda y fea

Yo Momma

Because nothing gets a person fired up like insulting their mother in Spanish.

Your mother is fat ➔ Tu madre es gorda

Your mom is stupid ➔ Tu madre es una estupida

Your mother is very fat and ugly ➔ Tu madre es muy gorda y fea

Shut up

For times when you've had enough of people being rude at or insulting you in Spanish.

Shut up ➔ ¡Cállate!

Shut up stupid ➔ Cállate estúpido

Shut up ugly ➔ Cállate feo

Shut up you stupid elephant ➔ Cállete el stupido elephante

Shut your snout fatty ➔ Cállete el osico gordota

General Insults and Bad Words

For everything else.

Damn ➔ Maldito

Dick ➔ Verga

Go to hell ➔ Vete al infierno

I am going to kill you! ➔ Te voy a matar!

Rot in Hell ➔ Pudrete en el infierno

Throw yourself in a hole ➔ Tirate a un poso

Witch ➔ Bruja

You are the worst teacher in the world ➔ Usted es la peor maestra del mundo

You're worse than marijuana ➔ Eres más malo que marihuana

*List of rude Spanish words and phrases last updated: March 9, 2018.

Also - Don't forget to check out our other non-verbal ways to insult your fellow humans! After all, sometimes your best or only option may need to be a little passive-aggressive.


Can you answer these questions rude Spanish words or phrases? Give it a try and then scroll back up to see how you did!

1. How do you say shut up stupid in Spanish?
2. What is the English translation of el burro sabe mas que tu?
3. What is tu eres muy feo in English?
4. What is eres estúpido in English?
5. How do you say shut up in Spanish?
6. How do you say shut up ugly in Spanish?
7. What is the meaning of tu eres feo in English?
8. Translate cállete el osico gordota.
9. What does tu feo mean in English?
10. What does pudrete en el infierno mean in English?
11. How do you say damn in Spanish?
12. What is the meaning of eres muy estúpido in English?
13. What is the meaning of the Spanish word fea?
14. What is estupido in English?
15. What is the meaning of tonto in English?
16. What is the translation of maldito in English?
17. What is the meaning of eres tan tonto in English?
18. What does gorda mean in Spanish?

Non-Verbal Insults

Because sometimes your best or only option may need to be a little passive-aggressive...

Depending on the situation, you may wish to go with a time honored attack - the fake dog poop approach. Leave some on their front porch, leave some on their office chair... the possibilities are endless. Relish their horror in silence from afar. To step up your game, you can also add a little fart spray to the mix. Want to be classy in your secret poop attack? Then why not go with some fake poop in a gift box?

If you feel fake poop might not quite send a harsh enough message, then there's always the more direct middle finger gesture trinkets, like this middle finger gnome, hand statue, or mug - which can be tastefully left full of coffee on a certain someone's desk, where it can slowly reveal its true nature to the drinker. Just remember - there's plenty of non-verbal ways to be insulting, you just have to get a little creative sometimes!

Essential Spanish Learning Materials

English/Spanish Dictionaries
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For the full selection, please visit our: Spanish Language Learning Shop

Next Up

History of Spanish: Learn about the history of the Spanish language.

Perhaps you want to learn insulting phrases and swear words in these other languages?

French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Spanish myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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