English to Spanish: Romantic Words and Phrases
There's so many ways to say I love you. This page speaks to many of these ways, plus goes into other ways to be romantic with your special someone - all translated from English to Spanish.
Below you'll find many romantic categories. From top to bottom you'll see ways to say I love you, hugs and kisses, beauty, I miss you, I want to be with you, I'm thinking of you, girlfriend/boyfriend, pet names, words for letter ending, plus others. There's also some advice for how to snag a lover.
To read through all these romantic translations, simply scroll down throughout the page or use the quick links provided below to jump to a specific section.
How to Be Romantic in Spanish:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these romantic words from Spanish to English.
Quick links:
I Love You from English to Spanish
English to Spanish Words for Hugs and Kisses
Your Spanish Beauty Overwhelms Me
English to Spanish Ways to Say I Miss You and Want to be With You
I'm Thinking of You from English to Spanish
English to Spanish Phrases for I Can't Live Without You
English to Spanish for Girlfriend and Boyfriend, Plus Pet Names
Romantic Ways for Ending a Letter from English to Spanish
Other Romantic English to Spanish Phrases
I Love You from English to Spanish
For all the love words...
Everyday I love you more. ➔ Cada día te quiero más.
Good morning my love. ➔ Buenos días mi amor.
Goodnight my love. I love you. ➔ Buenas noches mi amor. Te amo.
I love (want) you. ➔ Te quiero.
I love you. ➔ Te amo.
I love you. ➔ Yo amor tu.
I love you beautiful. ➔ Te amo hermosa.
I love you from the bottom of my heart. ➔ Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón.
I love you more than anything in the world. ➔ Te amo más que nada en el mundo.
I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. ➔ Cada día te quiero más que ayer y menos que mañana.
I love you my love. ➔ Te amo mi amor.
I love you my queen. ➔ Te amo mi reina.
I love you my queen. ➔ Te quiero mi reina.
I love you too. ➔ Yo tambiénte amo.
I love you very much. ➔ Muchos te amo.
I love you very much. ➔ Te amo mucho.
I love you with all my heart. ➔ Te quiero con todo mi corazón.
I love you with all my soul. ➔ Te quiero con toda mi alma.
I love you, you complete me. ➔ Te amo, tu me complementas.
I loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. ➔ Te ame desde el momento en que puse mis ojos en ti.
I want to make love to you. ➔ Quiero hacerte el amor.
I will love you always. ➔ Siempre te amare.
I will love you always. ➔ Te querré para siempre.
I'm hopelessly in love with you. ➔ Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti.
Love ➔ Amor
Love at first sight ➔ Amor a primera vista
Love at first sight ➔ Flechazo
Lover ➔ Amante
My first love ➔ Mi primer amor
My love ➔ Mi amor
To fall in love with ➔ Enamorarse
You are the love of my life. ➔ Eres el amor de mi vida.
English to Spanish Words for Hugs and Kisses
Talking about signs of affection...
Give me a kiss. ➔ Dar mi un beso.
Hug ➔ Abrazo
Hug and kiss me. ➔ Abrázame y bésame.
Hug and kiss me. ➔ Abrazas y me besas.
Hug me. ➔ Abrázame.
Hugs ➔ Abrazos
Kiss ➔ Beso
Kiss me. ➔ Bésame.
Kisses ➔ Besos
Kisses my love ➔ Besos mi amor
Kissing you is like seeing the stars. ➔ Besarte es como ver las estrellas.
Your Spanish Beauty Overwhelms Me
For talking about a special someone's nice looks...
Beautiful ➔ Bella
Beautiful ➔ Linda
Handsome ➔ Hermoso
My beautiful love ➔ Mi hermosa amor
My beautiful queen ➔ Mi reina hermosa
Pretty ➔ Bonita (f) / Bonito (m)
You are a beautiful friend (male). ➔ Tu eres un hermosa amigo.
You are a very pretty friend (female). ➔ Tu eres una muy bonita amiga.
You are as beautiful as a flower. ➔ Eres tan linda como una flor.
You are beautiful, my love. ➔ Eres hermosa, mi amor.
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. ➔ Tú eres la mujer más bella que he visto.
You are so beautiful. ➔ Eres tan hermosa.
You are very beautiful. ➔ Eres muy bella.
You are very pretty. ➔ Eres muy linda.
You have the prettiest eyes in the world. ➔ Tienes los ojos más bonitos del mundo.
English to Spanish Ways to Say I Miss You and Want to be With You
For times when you wish you could be together...
I miss you. ➔ Te extraño.
I miss you. (literally means "I throw you less") ➔ Te echo de menos.
I really miss you. ➔ Te echo mucho de menos.
I want a moment with you. ➔ Quiero un momento contigo.
I want time with you. ➔ Quiero un tiempo contigo.
I want to be with you forever. ➔ Quiero estar contigo para siempre.
I wish you were here with me. ➔ Desearia que estuvieras aqui conmigo.
I wish you were here with me. ➔ Quisiera que estuvieras aquí conmigo.
I'm Thinking of You from English to Spanish
Because it's hard to get loved ones out of your thoughts...
I always think of you. ➔ Pienso en ti siempre.
I will be dreaming of you. ➔ Voy a soñar contigo. (Might be a regional saying? Can also mean 'I'm playing with you'.)
Last night I dreamed of you and this morning I did not want to wake up. ➔ Anoche soñé contigo y esta manana no me quiero despertar.
English to Spanish Phrases for I Can't Live Without You
Because it pains me so...
I can't live without you. ➔ No puedo vivir sin ti.
Without you I can not breath. I need you in my life. ➔ Sin ti no puedo respirar. Te necesito en mi vida.
Without your love life isn't worth it. ➔ Sin tu amor la vida no vale la pena.
English to Spanish for Girlfriend and Boyfriend, Plus Pet Names
What do you like to call your lover?
Are you married? ➔ Estas casado?
Boyfriend ➔ Novio
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? ➔ Tiene novia/novio?
Girlfriend ➔ Jaina (Might just be used by Mexican gangs, so be careful with this one?)
Girlfriend ➔ Novia
Hi my boyfriend! ➔ Hola mi novio!
Husband ➔ Marido
I love you my husband. ➔ Te amo, mi esposo.
I'm married ➔ Soy casado
Sweetheart ➔ Amado
Wife ➔ Esposa
Would you like to be my girlfriend? (boyfriend?) ➔ Quieres ser mi novia (novio)?
Romantic Ways for Ending a Letter from English to Spanish
The lost art of letter writting...
With affection, ➔ Con cariño,
With love, ➔ Con amor,
Other Romantic English to Spanish Phrases
For everything else that didn't yet fit into a category...
Good night sweetheart. ➔ Buenas noches corazón.
I adore you. ➔ Me encantas.
I have a crush on you. ➔ Tengo un flechazo contigo.
I want you in my bed. ➔ Te quiero en mi cama.
I will be with you despite everything. I promise. ➔ Estaré contigo a pesar de todo. Lo prometo.
Let me be with you. ➔ Dejame estar contigo.
Will you marry me? ➔ Te casarás conmigo?
You are my heart. ➔ Tu eres mi corazón.
You are my life. ➔ Tu eres mi vida.
You are my light in the dark. ➔ Tu eres mi luz en la oscuridad.
You are my soulmate. ➔ Tu eres mi alma gemela.
You are the man of my life. ➔ Tu eres el hombre de mi vida.
You make me happy. ➔ Me haces feliz.
You make me happy when you are here. ➔ Tu me haces feliz cuando estás aquí.
*List of romantic English to Spanish words and phrases updated: March 12, 2018.
How to Snag a Lover
Because sometimes it can take a little more than sweet words to snag that special someone...
So, you want to snag a lover. Great! Now what? Well, you have to start taking some steps to make it happen! If you have no idea what those steps are, however, it can be an uphill battle to win the heart of your special someone. For a little inspiration, why not read though some helpful books on the subject.
Here are three actual books our visitors found useful when snagging a man:
⇛ Make Him DESPERATE to Be Yours Forever: The 3 Step Fail-Safe Method to Landing the Man of Your Dreams
⇛ The Temptress's Handbook: The Real Dirty, Naughty Secrets to Make Your Man FOREVER LUST After You
⇛ How to Get Your Ex Back Fast! Toy with the Male Psyche and Get Him Back with Skills only a Dating Coach Knows
And three books for seducing a woman:
⇛ The Dating Playbook For Men: A Proven 7 Step System To Go From Single To The Woman Of Your Dreams
⇛ Seduce Her With Text: The Gentleman's Guide To Texting Her All The Way To The Bedroom
⇛ Friendzone Proof: Friendship to Relationship - Cultivate Attraction, Become Desireable, Get the Girl
*Note: I've linked to the Kindle versions of these books, that way you can learn all the tricks, with less chance of anyone noticing what you are trying to accomplish. Kindle books can be read on most devices (PC, mobile, tablet, etc.) by downloading the free Kindle App.
To really go all out, you can also play with nature's greatest weapon - pheromones - available to be used by men or used by women. Both that I've linked to are unscented, so no one will know why they are suddenly instinctually attracted to you!
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Spanish Insults and Swear Words: Learn how to say insulting words and swears in Spanish.
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