English to Latin Common Words and Phrases
Whether you're a long-time learner of Latin, or just getting started, it can always be worth reviewing the most basic words and phrases in the language to see where to start or how far you've progressed. If this sounds interesting to you, then scroll down to see what common English to Latin translations await.
By scrolling down, you will find four categories of common words and phrases. First up will teach you how to ask how are you? After this is a section for exchanging names, followed by a section for asking if someone speaks English or Latin. Finally, towards the bottom of the page, you'll find a list of question words, translated from English to Latin.
Common Words from English to Latin:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from Latin to English.
English to Latin for Asking How Are You?
How are you? ➔ Quid agis? (singular)
How are you? ➔ Quid agitis? (plural)
Exchanging Names from English to Latin
What is your name? ➔ Quod nomen tibi est?
What's your name? ➔ Quid est nomen tibi?
My name is (name). ➔ Meum nomen est (name).
My name is (name). ➔ Nomen mihi est (name).
Asking Do You Speak English? / Latin?
Do you speak English? ➔ Tu loqueris Anglice?
Do you speak Latin? ➔ Loquerisne Latine?
Do you understand? ➔ Intellegisne?
I understand. ➔ Intellego.
Please speak a little slower. ➔ Sodes, loquere paulo lentius.
English to Latin Question Words
Who ➔ Qui
What ➔ Quid est
When ➔ Cum
Where ➔ Ubi
Why ➔ Quod
This list of English to Latin common words was last updated on March 21, 2025.
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Random Latin Words and Phrases: Learn how to say random words and phrases in Latin.
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