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Latin Portal
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Latin Portal
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English to Latin Common Words and Phrases

This page will help you learn the most common words and phrases in Latin. You will find introductory phrases like hello, how are you, plus you can learn how to exchange names with people, and also several words for friend. There's also a section to teach you the basic question words from English to Latin.

While this page doesn't hit on all the important topics just yet, we do plan to add more content in the future. Hopefully what we do have already will prove helpful in the meantime.

Common Words from English to Latin:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from Latin to English.

English to Latin Introductory Phrases

Hello ➔ Salve

How are you? ➔ Quid agis?

What is your name? ➔ Quod nomen tibi est?

My name is (name) ➔ Meum nomen est (name)

Do you speak English? ➔ Tu loqueris Anglice?

Speaking of Friends from English to Latin

Friend ➔ Amicus

Friends ➔ Amici

My friend ➔ Mehi amicus

My friends ➔ Mehi amici

English to Latin Question Words

Who ➔ Qui

What ➔ Quid est

When ➔ Cum

Where ➔ Ubi

Why ➔ Quod

*List of English to Latin key words last updated: March 7, 2018.

Next Up

Random Latin Words and Phrases: Learn how to say random words and phrases in Latin.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Latin myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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