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English to Bosnian Common Words and Phrases

Common words and phrases are the vocabulary items you are most likely to run into when speaking a language. This page contains a number of such common Bosnian words and phrases, all listed alphabetically by their English translations.

First up is a list of common words like yes, maybe, please, thanks, followed by a second list of common phrases like how do you do and nice to meet you, which you'll likely encounter when speaking Bosnian.

Common Words from English to Bosnian

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from Bosnian to English.

English to Bosnian Common Words

Yes ➔ Da

Maybe ➔ Možda

Please ➔ Molim

Thanks ➔ Hvala

What ➔ Šta

Who ➔ Ko

Why? ➔ Zašto?

English to Bosnian Common Phrases

How do you do? / How are you? ➔ Kako ste?

I love you ➔ Volim te

Nice to meet you! ➔ Drago mi je!

*English to Bosnian common words list last updated: March 1, 2018.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Bosnian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Bosnian language learning journey!

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