Common English to Somali Vocabulary
This page contains plenty of vocabulary, presented from English to Somali, that will help beginners learn the basics of the Somali language.
These translations have been divided into various categories, to make the information easier to sort out and learn from.
Note: Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from Somali to English.
English to Somali Key Words:
Yes and No
Yes ➔ Haa
No ➔ Maya
Please and Thank you
Please ➔ Fadlan
Thank you ➔ Mahadsanid
How are you?
How are you? ➔ Iska waran?
How are you? ➔ Sidee ta'hay?
Good ➔ Nabad
I am fine ➔ Waan fiicanahay (fii'anahay)
Help ➔ Caawi (aawi)
How old are you?
How old are you? ➔ Immisa jir baad tahay?
Do you speak English?
I don't understand ➔ Maan fahmin
Do you speak English? ➔ Ingiriisiga ma ku hadashaa?
What is your name?
What is your name? ➔ Magacaa?
My name is… ➔ Magacaygu (maga'aygu) waa…
I'm sorry
I am sorry ➔ Waan ku xumahay (humahay)
*List of common Somali words and phrases last updated: March 7, 2018.
Can you answer these questions about common Somali words or phrases? Give it a try and then scroll up to see how you did!
1. How do you say thank you in Somali?
2. How do you say how are you in Somali?
3. How do you say I am sorry in Somali?
4. What is the word for please in Somali?
5. How do you say my name is in Somali?
6. What is the English meaning of iska waran?
7. How do you say yes in Somali?
Next Up
Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Somali.
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