English to Indonesian Random Words and Phrases
This page contains many random words and phrases, all translated from English to Indonesian. This includes random words like crowded, hour, and wrong, plus random phrases like four days ago, I want to wash my hands, and that's still a bit expensive.
The list has been divided by alphabetical letter, to more easily help you find the specific translations that you are looking for. Be sure to scroll down, because there's a lot of translations to discover.
Random Words and Phrases from English to Indonesian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from Indonesian to English.
English to Indonesian Random Words and Phrases
And ➔ Dan
Are there any empty rooms? ➔ Ada kamar kosong?
At ➔ Di
Average losmen ➔ Losmen biasa
Better ➔ Lebih baik
Big ➔ Besar
Boat ➔ Kapal
Can ➔ Bisa
Cheap losmen ➔ Losmen yang murah
Correct ➔ Betul
Crowded ➔ Saja
Different ➔ Lain
Do you have children? ➔ Sudah punya anak?
East ➔ Timur
Empty ➔ Kosong
Far ➔ Jauh
Fast ➔ Cepat
Fine ➔ Baik
For ➔ Untuk
Four days ago ➔ Empat hari yang lalu
From ➔ Dari
Good ➔ Bagus
Here ➔ Di sini
Here's the key to your room ➔ Ini kunci kamar
Hot water ➔ Air panas
Hour ➔ Jam
How many hours? ➔ Berapajam?
How much does this cost? ➔ Berapa harga ini?
How much for one night? ➔ Berapa untuk satu malam?
I want to buy... ➔ Saya mau beli...
I want to wash my hands ➔ Saya mau cuci tangan
I'd like to stay for 3 days ➔ Saya mau tinggal tiga hari
If ➔ Kalau
In a short while ➔ Sebentar lagi
Inside ➔ Di dalam
Left (the direction) ➔ Kiri
Minute ➔ Menit
Near ➔ Dekat
New ➔ Baru
Noisy ➔ Ramai
North ➔ Utara
Ocean ➔ Lautan
Old ➔ Lama
Old ➔ Tua
One room for two people ➔ Oua orang, satu kamar
Only ➔ Hanya
Only ➔ Kemudian
Outside ➔ Di luar
Please call a taxi ➔ Tolong panggi / taksi
Please take me to... ➔ Tolong antar saya ke...
Please wash these clothes ➔ Tolong cucikan pakaian ini
Pretty ➔ Cantik
Right (the direction) ➔ Kanan
Sailboat ➔ Perahu layer
Same ➔ Sama
Sea ➔ Lautan
Ship ➔ Kapal
Sky ➔ Langit
Slow ➔ Pelan
Small ➔ Keci
Sorry, there aren't any ➔ Ma'af, tidak ada
South ➔ Selatan
Stop ➔ Berhenti
That ➔ Itu
That cannot be true! ➔ Masa!
That's still a bit expensive ➔ Masih agak mahal
Then ➔ Lalu
There ➔ Di sana
These ➔ Ini
This ➔ Ini
Those ➔ Itu
To ➔ Ke
To be ➔ Ada
To be able ➔ Bisa
To buy ➔ Beli
To get ➔ Dapat
To go ➔ Pergi
To know ➔ Tahu
To need ➔ Perlu
To wait ➔ Tunggu
To want ➔ Ingin
Very bored ➔ Bosen banget
Very good hotel ➔ Hotel cukup baik
West ➔ Barat
What is your religion? ➔ Agama apa?
When are you leaving? ➔ Kapan berangkat?
When did you arrive? ➔ Kapan datang?
Where can I buy... ➔ Oi mana saya bisa beli...
Where is the toilet? ➔ Oi mana kamar keci?
Where's a losmen? ➔ Oi mana ada losmen?
With ➔ Dengan
Worse ➔ Kurang baik
Wrong ➔ Salah
*English to Indonesian random words and phrases last updated: October 21, 2024.
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Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Indonesian.
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