English to Indonesian Number Words
Look below for help in speaking and understanding Indonesian, especially when it comes to numbers and number words. You'll find translations from English to Indonesian covering every number from one to fifteen, then a selection of numbers that range through the hundreds, thousands, and even millions.
Each section of numbers is listed separately to help you group the words into related numbers to help you on your learning journey.
English to Indonesian Numbers:
Here is our list of number words from English to Indonesian. You can also view these words with translations from Indonesian to English.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
One ➔ Satu
Two ➔ Dua
Three ➔ Tiga
Four ➔ Empat
Five ➔ Lima
Six ➔ Enam
Seven ➔ Tujuh
Eight ➔ Delapan
Nine ➔ Sembilan
Ten ➔ Sepuluh
Eleven ➔ Seblas
Twelve ➔ Dua belas
Thirteen ➔ Tiga belas
Fourteen ➔ Empat belas
Fifteen ➔ Lima belas
Twenty ➔ Dua puluh
Thirty ➔ Tiga puluh
Forty ➔ Empat puluh
Fifty ➔ Lima puluh
Fifty five ➔ Lima puluh lima
Seventy three ➔ Tujuh puluh tiga
One hundred ➔ Seratus
Six hundred ➔ Enam ratus
One thousand ➔ Seribu
Three thousand ➔ Tiga ribu
Ten thousand ➔ Sepuluh ribu
One million ➔ Satu juta
Two million ➔ Duajuta
First ➔ Pertama
Second ➔ Kedua
Third ➔ Ketiga
Fourth ➔ Ke'empat
Half ➔ Setengah
Less ➔ Kurang
More ➔ Lebih
*Number words last updated: October 20, 2024.
Next Up
Days and Months: Learn how to say the days of the week and months of the year in Indonesian.
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