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English to Indonesian Numbers

Look below for help in speaking and understanding Indonesian, especially when it comes to numbers and number words. You'll find translations from English to Indonesian covering every number from one to twenty, then a selection of numbers that range through the hundreds, thousands, and even millions.

Each grouping of numbers is listed with like numbers to help you more easily learn the set of numbers.

English to Indonesian Numbers:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these numbers from Indonesian to English.

English to Indonesian Numbers 1-20

1 ➔ One ➔ Satu

2 ➔ Two ➔ Dua

3 ➔ Three ➔ Tiga

4 ➔ Four ➔ Empat

5 ➔ Five ➔ Lima

6 ➔ Six ➔ Enam

7 ➔ Seven ➔ Tujuh

8 ➔ Eight ➔ Delapan

9 ➔ Nine ➔ Sembilan

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Sepuluh

11 ➔ Eleven ➔ Seblas

12 ➔ Twelve ➔ Dua belas

13 ➔ Thirteen ➔ Tiga belas

14 ➔ Fourteen ➔ Empat belas

15 ➔ Fifteen ➔ Lima belas

16 ➔ Sixteen ➔ Enam belas

17 ➔ Seventeen ➔ Tujuh belas

18 ➔ Eighteen ➔ Delapan belas

19 ➔ Nineteen ➔ Sembilan belas

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Dua puluh

English to Indonesian Numbers 20-100

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Dua puluh

21 ➔ Twenty one ➔ Dua puluh satu

22 ➔ Twenty two ➔ Dua puluh dua

25 ➔ Twenty five ➔ Dua puluh lima

30 ➔ Thirty ➔ Tiga puluh

40 ➔ Forty ➔ Empat puluh

50 ➔ Fifty ➔ Lima puluh

55 ➔ Fifty five ➔ Lima puluh lima

60 ➔ Sixty ➔ Enam puluh

70 ➔ Seventy ➔ Tujuh puluh

73 ➔ Seventy three ➔ Tujuh puluh tiga

75 ➔ Seventy five ➔ Tujuh puluh lima

80 ➔ Eighty ➔ Delapan puluh

90 ➔ Ninety ➔ Sembilan puluh

100 ➔ One hundred ➔ Seratus

English to Indonesian Numbers 100s

100 ➔ One hundred ➔ Seratus

150 ➔ One hundred fifty ➔ Seratus lima puluh

300 ➔ Three hundred ➔ Tiga ratus

500 ➔ Five hundred ➔ Lima ratus

600 ➔ Six hundred ➔ Enam ratus

English to Indonesian Numbers 1000s

1000 ➔ One thousand ➔ Seribu

3000 ➔ Three thousand ➔ Tiga ribu

5000 ➔ Five thousand ➔ Lima ribu

10,000 ➔ Ten thousand ➔ Sepuluh ribu

English to Indonesian Numbers 1 Million+

1,000,000 ➔ One million ➔ Satu juta

2,000,000 ➔ Two million ➔ Duajuta

Other English to Indonesian Number Translations

1st ➔ First ➔ Pertama

2nd ➔ Second ➔ Kedua

3rd ➔ Third ➔ Ketiga

4th ➔ Fourth ➔ Ke'empat

1/2 ➔ Half ➔ Setengah

Less ➔ Kurang

More ➔ Lebih

*English to Indonesian number words last updated: January 25, 2025.

Next Up

Indonesian Days and Months: Learn how to say the days of the week and months of the year in Indonesian.

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Afrikaans, Burmese, Dutch, French, German, Hawaiian, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Indonesian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Indonesian language learning journey!

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