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English to Dutch Numbers 1 to 100

Numbers come up in conversation more times than we realize. Telling someone how old you are? You'll need numbers. Telling someone what temperature to set the oven? Yep, that would again require numbers. That's why, if you are trying to learn Dutch, then you'll probably be needing to know how to say numbers - the most important of which would probably be the numbers from one to one hundred.

Below you will find the English to Dutch translations for every number ranging from one to one hundred, broken into groups of ten to better help you digest this large amount of vocabulary. And just so you know, each number on this page is listed in order of Numeral ➔ English Translation ➔ Dutch Translation. The reverse is also available if you prefer learning in that manner on this page's sister page, linked below.

Numbers 1 to 100 from English to Dutch:

You can also view this list of numbers from Dutch to English.

English to Dutch Numbers 1 to 10

The first ten numbers will probably be the most important numbers that you'll learn.

1 ➔ One ➔ Een

2 ➔ Two ➔ Twee

3 ➔ Three ➔ Drie

4 ➔ Four ➔ Vier

5 ➔ Five ➔ Vijf

6 ➔ Six ➔ Zes

7 ➔ Seven ➔ Zeven

8 ➔ Eight ➔ Acht

9 ➔ Nine ➔ Negen

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Tien

English to Dutch Numbers 10 to 20

In the same way that name of these English numbers end in teen, many of these Dutch numbers end in tien.

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Tien

11 ➔ Eleven ➔ Elf

12 ➔ Twelve ➔ Twaalf

13 ➔ Thirteen ➔ Dertien

14 ➔ Fourteen ➔ Veertien

15 ➔ Fifteen ➔ Vijftien

16 ➔ Sixteen ➔ Zestien

17 ➔ Seventeen ➔ Zeventien

18 ➔ Eighteen ➔ Achttien

19 ➔ Nineteen ➔ Negentien

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Twintig

English to Dutch Numbers 20 to 30

Now things become more standard as the numbers in the 20s all end in twintig, the Dutch word for 20.

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Twintig

21 ➔ Twenty one ➔ Eenentwintig

22 ➔ Twenty two ➔ Tweeëntwintig

23 ➔ Twenty three ➔ Drieëntwintig

24 ➔ Twenty four ➔ Vierentwintig

25 ➔ Twenty five ➔ Vijfentwintig

26 ➔ Twenty six ➔ Zesentwintig

27 ➔ Twenty seven ➔ Zevenentwintig

28 ➔ Twenty eight ➔ Achtentwintig

29 ➔ Twenty nine ➔ Negenentwintig

30 ➔ Thirty ➔ Dertig

English to Dutch Numbers 30 to 40

Like how all 30s in English start with thirty, all 30s in Dutch end with dertig (Dutch for 30).

30 ➔ Thirty ➔ Dertig

31 ➔ Thirty one ➔ Eenendertig

32 ➔ Thirty two ➔ Tweeëndertig

33 ➔ Thirty three ➔ Drieëndertig

34 ➔ Thirty four ➔ Vierendertig

35 ➔ Thirty five ➔ Vijfendertig

36 ➔ Thirty six ➔ Zesendertig

37 ➔ Thirty seven ➔ Zevenendertig

38 ➔ Thirty eight ➔ Achtendertig

39 ➔ Thirty nine ➔ Negenendertig

40 ➔ Forty ➔ Veertig

English to Dutch Numbers 40 to 50

Like how all 40s in English start with forty, all 40s in Dutch end with veertig (Dutch for 40).

40 ➔ Forty ➔ Veertig

41 ➔ Forty one ➔ Eenenveertig

42 ➔ Forty two ➔ Tweeënveertig

43 ➔ Forty three ➔ Drieënveertig

44 ➔ Forty four ➔ Vierenveertig

45 ➔ Forty five ➔ Vijfenveertig

46 ➔ Forty six ➔ Zesenveertig

47 ➔ Forty seven ➔ Zevenenveertig

48 ➔ Forty eight ➔ Achtenveertig

49 ➔ Forty nine ➔ Negenenveertig

50 ➔ Fifty ➔ Vijftig

English to Dutch Numbers 50 to 60

Like how all 50s in English start with fifty, all 50s in Dutch end with vijftig (Dutch for 50).

50 ➔ Fifty ➔ Vijftig

51 ➔ Fifty one ➔ Eenenvijftig

52 ➔ Fifty two ➔ Tweeënvijftig

53 ➔ Fifty three ➔ Drieënvijftig

54 ➔ Fifty four ➔ Vierenvijftig

55 ➔ Fifty five ➔ Vijfenvijftig

56 ➔ Fifty six ➔ Zesenvijftig

57 ➔ Fifty seven ➔ Zevenenvijftig

58 ➔ Fifty eight ➔ Achtenvijftig

59 ➔ Fifty nine ➔ Negenenvijftig

60 ➔ Sixty ➔ Zestig

English to Dutch Numbers 60 to 70

Like how all 60s in English start with sixty, all 60s in Dutch end with zestig (Dutch for 60).

60 ➔ Sixty ➔ Zestig

61 ➔ Sixty one ➔ Eenenzestig

62 ➔ Sixty two ➔ Tweeënzestig

63 ➔ Sixty three ➔ Drieënzestig

64 ➔ Sixty four ➔ Vierenzestig

65 ➔ Sixty five ➔ Vijfenzestig

66 ➔ Sixty six ➔ Zesenzestig

67 ➔ Sixty seven ➔ Zevenenzestig

68 ➔ Sixty eight ➔ Achtenzestig

69 ➔ Sixty nine ➔ Negenenzestig

70 ➔ Seventy ➔ Zeventig

English to Dutch Numbers 70 to 80

Like how all 70s in English start with seventy, all 70s in Dutch end with zeventig (Dutch for 70).

70 ➔ Seventy ➔ Zeventig

71 ➔ Seventy one ➔ Eenenzeventig

72 ➔ Seventy two ➔ Tweeënzeventig

73 ➔ Seventy three ➔ Drieënzeventig

74 ➔ Seventy four ➔ Vierenzeventig

75 ➔ Seventy five ➔ Vijfenzeventig

76 ➔ Seventy six ➔ Zesenzeventig

77 ➔ Seventy seven ➔ Zevenenzeventig

78 ➔ Seventy eight ➔ Achtenzeventig

79 ➔ Seventy nine ➔ Negenenzeventig

80 ➔ Eighty ➔ Tachtig

English to Dutch Numbers 80 to 90

Like how all 80s in English start with eighty, all 80s in Dutch end with tachtig (Dutch for 80).

80 ➔ Eighty ➔ Tachtig

81 ➔ Eighty one ➔ Eenentachtig

82 ➔ Eighty two ➔ Tweeëntachtig

83 ➔ Eighty three ➔ Drieëntachtig

84 ➔ Eighty four ➔ Vierentachtig

85 ➔ Eighty five ➔ Vijfentachtig

86 ➔ Eighty six ➔ Zesentachtig

87 ➔ Eighty seven ➔ Zevenentachtig

88 ➔ Eighty eight ➔ Achtentachtig

89 ➔ Eighty nine ➔ Negenentachtig

90 ➔ Ninety ➔ Negentig

English to Dutch Numbers 90 to 100

Like how all 90s in English start with ninety, all 90s in Dutch end with negentig (Dutch for 90).

90 ➔ Ninety ➔ Negentig

91 ➔ Ninety one ➔ Eenennegentig

92 ➔ Ninety two ➔ Tweeënnegentig

93 ➔ Ninety three ➔ Drieënnegentig

94 ➔ Ninety four ➔ Vierennegentig

95 ➔ Ninety five ➔ Vijfennegentig

96 ➔ Ninety six ➔ Zesennegentig

97 ➔ Ninety seven ➔ Zevenennegentig

98 ➔ Ninety eight ➔ Achtennegentig

99 ➔ Ninety nine ➔ Negenennegentig

100 ➔ One hundred ➔ Honderd

*This listing of English to Dutch numbers from 1 to 100 was completed: April 11, 2018.

Next Up

English to Dutch Numbers 100-200: Learn the translations for every Dutch number falling between 100 and 200.

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Afrikaans, Burmese, Dutch, French, German, Hawaiian, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Dutch myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Dutch language learning journey!

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