Hellos and Goodbyes from English to Dutch
Greetings are important to learn, regardless of the language in question. After all, knowing how to properly greet someone is what let's you say hello and goodbye to the people you're bound to run into. That's why we've made this page to help teach these important Dutch greetings.
By scrolling down, you will find several ways to say hello when beginning a conversation and goodbye when it's time to leave. You'll also find the English to Dutch translations for more time-specific greetings like good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night. Scroll down to see our full list of greeting translations.
English to Dutch Greetings:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of greetings from Dutch to English.
Hello from English to Dutch:
Hello ➔ Hallo
Hello ➔ Hoi (informal)
Hello Amsterdam! ➔ Hallo Amsterdam!
Hello Netherlands! ➔ Hallo Nederland!
Hey, how are things? ➔ Hé, alles goed?
Hi ➔ Dag (lit. day, but means hi / good day)
Hello ➔ Goedendag (lit. good day)
Good day, how are you? ➔ Goedendag, hoe gaat het met u?
English to Dutch Timed Greetings:
Good morning ➔ Goedemorgen (used from 6am to noon)
Good afternoon ➔ Goedemiddag (used from noon to 6pm)
Good evening ➔ Goedenavond (used from 6pm to midnight)
Good night ➔ Goedenacht (used from midnight to 6am)
Goodbye from English to Dutch:
Bye ➔ Doei
Farewell ➔ Vaarwel
Greetings ➔ Groetjes (email greeting between friends)
I'll see you later ➔ Ik zie je later
Kind regards ➔ Met vriendelijke groeten (typical email greeting, sometimes abbreviated to m. vr. gr.)
See you later ➔ Tot ziens
See you soon ➔ Tot zo (usually later that day)
This list of English to Dutch greetings was last updated on March 12, 2025.
Next Up
Dutch Keywords: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Dutch.
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