English to Finnish Greetings and Goodbyes
Greetings are a vital part of standard vocabulary. That's why, if you're learning Finnish, you'll probably want to learn some Finnish greetings while you're at it. Should that be the case, then you've come to the right place because that's what this page is all about - Finnish greetings and goodbyes.
Below you'll find three types of Finnish greetings. First up are some ways to say hello, next up are the timely greetings (like good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night), and finally, you'll find several ways to say goodbye.
Greetings from English to Finnish:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of greetings from Finnish to English.
English to Finnish Hellos
Hello ➔ Hei
Hello ➔ Terve
Hello? ➔ Haloo? (when answering the phone)
Hi ➔ Moi
Nice to see you. ➔ Kiva nähdä sinua.
Timely Greetings from English to Finnish
Good morning ➔ Hyvää huomenta
Good afternoon ➔ Hyvää päivää
Good evening ➔ Hyvää iltaa
Good night ➔ Hyvää yötä
English to Finnish Goodbyes
Bye! ➔ Hei, hei! (informal)
Goodbye ➔ Moikka
Goodbye ➔ Näkemiin (formal)
Take care. ➔ Ole varovainen.
See you later. ➔ Nähdään myöhemmin.
See you tomorrow. ➔ Nähdään huomenna.
*English to Finnish greetings last updated: February 25, 2025.
Next Up
Common Words and Phrases in Finnish: Learn some of the most common words and phrases in Finnish.
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