English to Hindi Greetings and Goodbyes
Is it time to learn how to say hello and goodbye in Hindi? If so, then this page should definitely help you out. This page lists out several greetings and goodbyes, all presented from English to Hindi.
Scroll down to learn greetings in the following categories: hellos, timely greetings, goodbyes, and other useful greetings. If you find these translations helpful, then do stop by again in the future, because we try to update with new vocabulary as often as we can.
Greetings and Goodbyes from English to Hindi:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of greetings from Hindi to English.
Basic English to Hindi Hellos
Greetings ➔ Namaste
Hello ➔ Pranaam (Formal, used by young people speaking to their elders)
Peace be upon you! ➔ Assalām alaikum!
English to Hindi Timely Greetings
Good morning ➔ Suprabhaat
Good afternoon ➔ Shubh Dopahar
Good evening ➔ Shubh Sandhya
Good night ➔ Shubh raatri
Goodbyes from English to Hindi
Goodbye ➔ Alavida
I'll see you later. ➔ Baad mean milate haian.
See you later. ➔ Baad mein milenge.
See you tomorrow. ➔ Kal milate hain.
Other Useful English to Hindi Greetings
Nice to meet you. ➔ Aapase milakar achchha laga.
This list of English to Hindi greetings was last updated on March 20, 2025.
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Common Hindi Words and Phrases: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Hindi.
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