English to Urdu Greetings and Goodbyes
Because greetings are so important to language, you might need to learn some to better communicate with others. If that's the case for you, then hopefully this page will help.
On this page you'll find many ways to say hello and goodbye in Urdu - all presented from English to Urdu - plus lists of timely greetings, holiday phrases, and other useful greeting words.
To learn from each of these translations, simply scroll down to the content area or use the quick links provided below to skip directly to the section of your choosing.
Greetings from English to Urdu:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of greetings from Urdu to English.
Quick links:
English to Urdu Hellos
Timely Greetings from English to Urdu
English to Urdu Goodbyes
Holiday Phrases from English to Urdu
Other Useful English to Urdu Phrases
English to Urdu Hellos
Hello ➔ Salaam
Reply to hello ➔ Wa alaikum assalam
Hello (when answering the phone) ➔ Helo
Welcome ➔ Khush aamdeed
Timely Greetings from English to Urdu
Good morning ➔ Salaam alaikum
Good morning ➔ Subha bakhair
Good afternoon ➔ Roz bakhair
Good night ➔ Salaam walekum
Good night ➔ Shabb bakhair
English to Urdu Goodbyes
Goodbye ➔ Khuda hafiz
See you later / We'll meet again ➔ Phir milenge
Holiday Phrases from English to Urdu
Happy birthday ➔ Salgirah mubarak
Merry Christmas ➔ Krismas mubarak
Other Useful English to Urdu Phrases
Have a nice day ➔ Aap ka din acha guzrae
Peace be upon you (Greeting) ➔ Assalam o alaikum
Sweet dreams ➔ Suhane khuwab
*List of English to Urdu greetings last updated: April 3, 2018.
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Common Words and Phrases in Urdu: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Urdu.
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