English to Indonesian Days and Months
This page is a great resource for learning about the days of the week in Indonesian. It includes various English to Indonesian translations for words like day, week, month, and year, plus translations for the words daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
At the bottom, you'll find the very useful translations for each day of the week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Scroll down for all this and more!
English to Indonesian Days and Months:
Here is our list of days and months from English to Indonesian. You can also view this list with translations from Indonesian to English.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
General Words about Days, Weeks, and Months
Calendar ➔ Kalender
Day ➔ Hari
Week ➔ Minggu
Month ➔ Bulan
Year ➔ Tahun
Daily ➔ Sehari hari
Weekly ➔ Mingguan
Monthly ➔ Bulanan
Yearly ➔ Tahunan
Yesterday ➔ Kemarin
Today ➔ Hari ini
Tomorrow ➔ Besok
English to Indonesian Days of the Week
Sunday ➔ Hari Minggu
Monday ➔ Hari Senin
Tuesday ➔ Hari Selasa
Wednesday ➔ Hari Rabu
Thursday ➔ Hari Kamis
Friday ➔ Hari Jumat
Saturday ➔ Hari Sabtu
*Indonesian days and months last updated: October 21, 2024.
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Food and Drink Words: Learn how to say food and drink words in Indonesian.
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