English to Romanian Colors
If you are looking to expand your Romanian vocabulary when it comes to the color words, then this is the page for you! This page features several English to Romanian translations for color words like black, blue, brown, green, etc.
By scrolling down, you will find three categories of color words. First up you will find a section for general color words, then you will find the main list of colors (featuring both the masculine and feminine forms of the colors), then you will find a section for Romanian color phrases and sentences.
Colors from English to Romanian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of colors from Romanian to English.
General English to Romanian Color Words
Color ➔ Culoare
English to Romanian Color Words
Please note that we've added (m) for masculine spelling and (f) is for feminine. Some colors are the same for both masculine and feminine spellings (ex. maro, verde, violet), so be sure to double check which is which.
Black ➔ Negru (m) / Neagră (f)
Blue ➔ Albastru (m) / Albastră (f)
Brown ➔ Maro (m) / Maro (f)
Gray ➔ Gri (m) / Gri (f)
Green ➔ Verde (m) / Verde (f)
Orange ➔ Portocaliu (m) / Portocalie (f)
Pink ➔ Roz (m) / Roz (f)
Purple ➔ Mov (m) / Movă (f)
Red ➔ Roșu (m) / Roșie (f)
Violet ➔ Violet (m) / Violet (f)
White ➔ Alb (m) / **Albă (f)
Yellow ➔ Galben (m) / Galbenă (f)
English to Romanian Color Phrases
Black as night ➔ Negru ca noaptea
Blue sky ➔ Cer albastru
The color is blue. ➔ Culoarea este albastra.
The color is red. ➔ Culoarea esta roșie.
The sky is blue. ➔ Cerul este albastru.
What color is it? ➔ Ce culoare are?
*English to Romanian color words last updated: February 13, 2025.
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Romantic Romanian Words and Phrases: Learn how to say romantic words and phrases in Romanian.
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