Norwegian Numbers 1-20
This page will help teach you to say the numbers 1 through 20 in Norwegian. First up is the translations for the numbers 1-10, then after that you will find the translations for the numbers 11-20. All of the numbers in the main list are shown in Bokmål, though some select numbers are shown below in Nynorsk.
Bokmål is the more commonly used written form of Norwegian, based on the written Danish language. Nynorsk is based on a mix of Norwegian dialects and was developed in the 19th century. Around 85% of writing in Norway uses Bokmål, though both are taught in schools and both are official written forms of Norwegian.
Numbers in Norwegian:
Here is our list of numbers in Norwegian. You can also view this list with translations from English to Norwegian.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
Norwegian Numbers 1-10 (One to Ten) in Bokmål:
En ➔ One ➔ 1
To ➔ Two ➔ 2
Tre ➔ Three ➔ 3
Fire ➔ Four ➔ 4
Fem ➔ Five ➔ 5
Seks ➔ Six ➔ 6
Syv ➔ Seven ➔ 7
Åtte ➔ Eight ➔ 8
Ni ➔ Nine ➔ 9
Ti ➔ Ten ➔ 10
Norwegian Numbers 11-20 (Eleven to Twenty) in Bokmål:
Elleve ➔ Eleven ➔ 11
Tolv ➔ Twelve ➔ 12
Tretten ➔ Thirteen ➔ 13
Fjorten ➔ Fourteen ➔ 14
Femten ➔ Fifteen ➔ 15
Seksten ➔ Sixteen ➔ 16
Sytten ➔ Seventeen ➔ 17
Atten ➔ Eighteen ➔ 18
Nitten ➔ Nineteen ➔ 19
Tjue ➔ Twenty ➔ 20
Norwegian Numbers (Various) in Nynorsk:
Tri ➔ Three ➔ 3
Sju ➔ Seven ➔ 7
Tjuensyv ➔ Twenty seven ➔ 27
*Norwegian numbers last updated: November 18, 2024.
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