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English to Greek Food and Drink Words

Are you looking for English to Greek translations of popular food and drink words? If so, this page is for you.

By scrolling down, you'll find a number of food and drink translations, plus a section for general food and drink words and another for translated flavors.

English to Greek Food and Drink Words:

Here is our list of food and drink words from English to Greek. You can also view this list with translations from Greek to English.

(Words in bold added during the last update.)

English to Greek General Food and Drink Words

Drink ➔ Pino

Eat ➔ Troo

Food ➔ Fayito

Flavors from English to Greek

Sour ➔ Xino

Spicy ➔ Kaftero

Sweet ➔ Gliko

English to Greek Foods

Apple ➔ Milo

Banana ➔ Banana

Lemon ➔ Lemoni

Lettuce ➔ Marouli

Potatoes ➔ Patates

Raspberries ➔ Smeoura

Spinach ➔ Spanaki

English to Greek Drinks

Alcohol ➔ Alkool

Coffee ➔ Kaphes

Tea ➔ Tsai

Water ➔ Nero

*Food and drink words last updated: November 24, 2024.

Next Up

Colors: Learn how to say color words in Greek.

Perhaps you want to learn food and drink words in these other languages?

Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Serbian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Greek myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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