English to Japanese Food and Drink Words
If you're feeling hungry or thirsty and want to practice your Japanese food and drink vocabulary, then this is a great place to start. Below you will learn about 72 food and drink words that range a number of categories like fruits, vegetables, breads, and meats. There's also a list of English to Japanese translated drink names and a series of general food-related words.
By scrolling below, you will find a long list of Japanese food words, followed by a shorter list of Japanese drink words, and then finally a list of food-related words that will better round out your eating vocabulary. Either scroll down to check out the full list, or use the quick links to skip to the section of your choosing.
Food and Drink Words from English to Japanese:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of food and drink words from Japanese to English.
Quick Links:
English to Japanese Food Words
English to Japanese Drink Words
General Food Words from English to Japanese
English to Japanese Food Words
Apple ➔ Ringo
Baguette ➔ Bagetto
Banana ➔ Banana
Bread ➔ Pan
Butter ➔ Bataa
Cabbage ➔ Kyabetsu
Cake ➔ Keeki
Carrots ➔ Ninjin
Celery ➔ Serori
Cheese ➔ Chiizu
Cookie ➔ Kukkii
Corn ➔ Toumorokoshi
Cucumber ➔ Kyuuri
Egg ➔ Tamago
Eggplant ➔ Nasu
Fish ➔ Sakana
Green beans ➔ Sayaingen
Green onion ➔ Negi
Horse radish ➔ Wasabi
Ice cream ➔ Aisu kuriimu
Japanese citrus fruit ➔ Yuzu
Japanese radish ➔ Daikon
Lettuce ➔ Retasu
Meat ➔ Niku
Melon ➔ Meron
Mushrooms ➔ Kinoko
Octopus ➔ Tako
Onion ➔ Tamanegi
Orange ➔ Orenji
Peach ➔ Momo
Pear ➔ Nashi
Pie ➔ Pai
Plum ➔ Ume
Potatoes ➔ Jagaimo
Rice ➔ Gohan (when cooked)
Riceball ➔ Onigiri
Salad ➔ Sarada
Spinach ➔ Hourensou
Strawberry ➔ Ichigo
Sugar ➔ Satou
Tomato ➔ Tomato
Tuna ➔ Maguro
Vinegar ➔ Su
Watermelon ➔ Suika
Zucchini ➔ Zukkiini
English to Japanese Drink Words
Beer ➔ Biru
Cocoa ➔ Kokoa
Coffee ➔ Koohii
Japanese Tea ➔ Ocha
Juice ➔ Juusu
Milk ➔ Gyuunyuu / Miruku
Tea ➔ Cha
Water ➔ Mizu
Wine ➔ Wain
General Food Words from English to Japanese
I will receive ➔ Itadakimasu (Said before eating)
Thanks for the good meal ➔ Ogochisousama deshita / Gochisosama (Said after eating)
Stomach ➔ Onaka
I'm hungry ➔ Onaka ga suita
I'm full ➔ Onaka ga ippai desu
Breakfast ➔ Asagohan
Lunch ➔ Hirugohan
Dinner ➔ Bangohan
Dessert ➔ Dezaato
Fruit ➔ Kudamono
Meat ➔ Niku
Vegetables ➔ Yasai
Ate ➔ Tabeta
Coffee shop ➔ Kissaten
Delicious ➔ Oishii
I would like some ice cream ➔ Aisu kuriimu o kudasai
Ingredients ➔ Shokuzai
Restaurant greeting ➔ Irasshaimasen (Said to the person entering the restaurant)
*English to Japanese food words last updated: January 27, 2025.
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Japanese Animal Names: Learn how to say animal names in Japanese.
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