Spanish Numbers 1000 to 10,000
There is still much work to be done to complete this section of the Spanish numbers list from 1000 to 10,000. For the time being the translated Spanish to English numbers are being divided into groups of thousands, to aid in learning the numbers. In the future, more numbers will be added to this list, so feel free to bookmark and check back at a later date.
To learn from our other number ranges, click into these pages:
Now onto the list of Spanish Numbers 1000-10,000.
Spanish Number Words 1000 to 10,000:
You can also view this list of Spanish numbers with translations from English to Spanish. Words in bold added during the last update.
General Number Words:
Número ➔ Number
Contar ➔ Count
Contando ➔ Counting
The 1000s in Spanish
Mil ➔ Thousand ➔ 1000
Mil cien ➔ One thousand one hundred ➔ 1100
Mil ciento uno ➔ One thousand one hundred one ➔ 1101
Mil ciento once ➔ One thousand one hundred eleven ➔ 1111
Mil ciento dieciséis ➔ One thousand one hundred sixteen ➔ 1116
Mil doscientos ➔ One thousand two hundred ➔ 1200
Mil trescientos ➔ One thousand three hundred ➔ 1300
Mil cuatrocientos ➔ One thousand four hundred ➔ 1400
Mil cuatrocientos treinta y dos ➔ One thousand four hundred thirty two ➔ 1432
Mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos ➔ One thousand four hundred ninety two ➔ 1492
Mil quinientos ➔ One thousand five hundred ➔ 1500
Mil seiscientos ➔ One thousand six hundred ➔ 1600
Mil ochocientos ➔ One thousand eight hundred ➔ 1800
Mil ochocientos cincuenta ➔ One thousand eight hundred fifty ➔ 1850
Mil novecientos sesenta y cinco ➔ One thousand nine hundred sixty five ➔ 1965
Mil novecientos noventa y siete ➔ One thousand nine hundred ninety seven ➔ 1997
The 2000s in Spanish
Dos mil ➔ Two thousand ➔ 2000
Dos mil dieciocho ➔ Two thousand eighteen ➔ 2018
Dos mil quinientos ➔ Two thousand five hundred ➔ 2500
The 3000s in Spanish
Tres mil ➔ Three thousand ➔ 3000
The 4000s in Spanish
Cuatro mil ➔ Four thousand ➔ 4000
Cuatro mil trescientos quince ➔ Four thousand three hundred fifteen ➔ 4315
Cuatro mil novecientos noventa y nueve ➔ Four thousand nine hundred ninety nine ➔ 4999
The 5000s in Spanish
Cinco mil ➔ Five thousand ➔ 5000
Cinco mil quinientos cincuenta y cinco ➔ Five thousand five hundred fifty five ➔ 5555
The 6000s in Spanish
Seis mil ➔ Six thousand ➔ 6000
The 7000s in Spanish
Siete mil ➔ Seven thousand ➔ 7000
The 8000s in Spanish
Ocho mil ➔ Eight thousand ➔ 8000
The 9000s in Spanish
Nueve mil ➔ Nine thousand ➔ 9000
10,000 in Spanish
Diez mil ➔ Ten thousand ➔ 10,000
*Spanish numbers list 1000-10,000 last updated: December 1, 2024.
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Next Up
Spanish Numbers 10,000-100,000: Learn how to say the numbers 10,000 to 100,000 in Spanish.
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