Spanish Numbers 100 to 200
This list of Spanish numbers is a complete list of all the numbers falling between one hundred and two hundred. Each number has been translated from Spanish to English and then further divided into groups of 10 for ease of study. Scroll down for the full list of Spanish numbers from 100 to 200.
For other number lists, please see these other pages:
Now onto the list of Spanish Numbers 100-200.
Spanish Number Words 100 to 200:
You can also view this list of Spanish numbers with translations from English to Spanish.
General Number Words:
Número ➔ Number
Contar ➔ Count
Contando ➔ Counting
100 to 110 in Spanish
Cien ➔ One hundred ➔ 100
Ciento uno ➔ One hundred one ➔ 101
Ciento dos ➔ One hundred two ➔ 102
Ciento tres ➔ One hundred three ➔ 103
Ciento cuatro ➔ One hundred four ➔ 104
Ciento cinco ➔ One hundred five ➔ 105
Ciento seis ➔ One hundred six ➔ 106
Ciento siete ➔ One hundred seven ➔ 107
Ciento ocho ➔ One hundred eight ➔ 108
Ciento nueve ➔ One hundred nine ➔ 109
Ciento diez ➔ One hundred ten ➔ 110
110 to 120 in Spanish
Ciento diez ➔ One hundred ten ➔ 110
Ciento once ➔ One hundred eleven ➔ 111
Ciento doce ➔ One hundred twelve ➔ 112
Ciento trece ➔ One hundred thirteen ➔ 113
Ciento catorce ➔ One hundred fourteen ➔ 114
Ciento quince ➔ One hundred fifteen ➔ 115
Ciento dieciséis ➔ One hundred sixteen ➔ 116
Ciento diecisiete ➔ One hundred seventeen ➔ 117
Ciento dieciocho ➔ One hundred eighteen ➔ 118
Ciento diecinueve ➔ One hundred nineteen ➔ 119
Ciento veinte ➔ One hundred twenty ➔ 120
120 to 130 in Spanish
Ciento veinte ➔ One hundred twenty ➔ 120
Ciento veintiuno ➔ One hundred twenty one ➔ 121
Ciento veintidós ➔ One hundred twenty two ➔ 122
Ciento veintitrés ➔ One hundred twenty three ➔ 123
Ciento veinticuatro ➔ One hundred twenty four ➔ 124
Ciento veinticinco ➔ One hundred twenty five ➔ 125
Ciento veintiséis ➔ One hundred twenty six ➔ 126
Ciento veintisiete ➔ One hundred twenty seven ➔ 127
Ciento veintiocho ➔ One hundred twenty eight ➔ 128
Ciento veintinueve ➔ One hundred twenty nine ➔ 129
Ciento treinta ➔ One hundred thirty ➔ 130
130 to 140 in Spanish
Ciento treinta ➔ One hundred thirty ➔ 130
Ciento treinta y uno ➔ One hundred thirty one ➔ 131
Ciento treinta y dos ➔ One hundred thirty two ➔ 132
Ciento treinta y tres ➔ One hundred thirty three ➔ 133
Ciento treinta y cuatro ➔ One hundred thirty four ➔ 134
Ciento treinta y cinco ➔ One hundred thirty five ➔ 135
Ciento treinta y seis ➔ One hundred thirty six ➔ 136
Ciento treinta y siete ➔ One hundred thirty seven ➔ 137
Ciento treinta y ocho ➔ One hundred thirty eight ➔ 138
Ciento treinta y nueve ➔ One hundred thirty nine ➔ 139
Ciento cuarenta ➔ One hundred forty ➔ 140
140 to 150 in Spanish
Ciento cuarenta ➔ One hundred forty ➔ 140
Ciento cuarenta y uno ➔ One hundred forty one ➔ 141
Ciento cuarenta y dos ➔ One hundred forty two ➔ 142
Ciento cuarenta y tres ➔ One hundred forty three ➔ 143
Ciento cuarenta y cuatro ➔ One hundred forty four ➔ 144
Ciento cuarenta y cinco ➔ One hundred forty five ➔ 145
Ciento cuarenta y seis ➔ One hundred forty six ➔ 146
Ciento cuarenta y siete ➔ One hundred forty seven ➔ 147
Ciento cuarenta y ocho ➔ One hundred forty eight ➔ 148
Ciento cuarenta y nueve ➔ One hundred forty nine ➔ 149
Ciento cincuenta ➔ One hundred fifty ➔ 150
150 to 160 in Spanish
Ciento cincuenta ➔ One hundred fifty ➔ 150
Ciento cincuenta y uno ➔ One hundred fifty one ➔ 151
Ciento cincuenta y dos ➔ One hundred fifty two ➔ 152
Ciento cincuenta y tres ➔ One hundred fifty three ➔ 153
Ciento cincuenta y cuatro ➔ One hundred fifty four ➔ 154
Ciento cincuenta y cinco ➔ One hundred fifty five ➔ 155
Ciento cincuenta y seis ➔ One hundred fifty six ➔ 156
Ciento cincuenta y siete ➔ One hundred fifty seven ➔ 157
Ciento cincuenta y ocho ➔ One hundred fifty eight ➔ 158
Ciento cincuenta y nueve ➔ One hundred fifty nine ➔ 159
Ciento sesenta ➔ One hundred sixty ➔ 160
160 to 170 in Spanish
Ciento sesenta ➔ One hundred sixty ➔ 160
Ciento sesenta y uno ➔ One hundred sixty one ➔ 161
Ciento sesenta y dos ➔ One hundred sixty two ➔ 162
Ciento sesenta y tres ➔ One hundred sixty three ➔ 163
Ciento sesenta y cuatro ➔ One hundred sixty four ➔ 164
Ciento sesenta y cinco ➔ One hundred sixty five ➔ 165
Ciento sesenta y seis ➔ One hundred sixty six ➔ 166
Ciento sesenta y siete ➔ One hundred sixty seven ➔ 167
Ciento sesenta y ocho ➔ One hundred sixty eight ➔ 168
Ciento sesenta y nueve ➔ One hundred sixty nine ➔ 169
Ciento setenta ➔ One hundred seventy ➔ 170
170 to 180 in Spanish
Ciento setenta ➔ One hundred seventy ➔ 170
Ciento setenta y uno ➔ One hundred seventy one ➔ 171
Ciento setenta y dos ➔ One hundred seventy two ➔ 172
Ciento setenta y tres ➔ One hundred seventy three ➔ 173
Ciento setenta y cuatro ➔ One hundred seventy four ➔ 174
Ciento setenta y cinco ➔ One hundred seventy five ➔ 175
Ciento setenta y seis ➔ One hundred seventy six ➔ 176
Ciento setenta y siete ➔ One hundred seventy seven ➔ 177
Ciento setenta y ocho ➔ One hundred seventy eight ➔ 178
Ciento setenta y nueve ➔ One hundred seventy nine ➔ 179
Ciento ochenta ➔ One hundred eighty ➔ 180
180 to 190 in Spanish
Ciento ochenta ➔ One hundred eighty ➔ 180
Ciento ochenta y uno ➔ One hundred eighty one ➔ 181
Ciento ochenta y dos ➔ One hundred eighty two ➔ 182
Ciento ochenta y tres ➔ One hundred eighty three ➔ 183
Ciento ochenta y cuatro ➔ One hundred eighty four ➔ 184
Ciento ochenta y cinco ➔ One hundred eighty five ➔ 185
Ciento ochenta y seis ➔ One hundred eighty six ➔ 186
Ciento ochenta y siete ➔ One hundred eighty seven ➔ 187
Ciento ochenta y ocho ➔ One hundred eighty eight ➔ 188
Ciento ochenta y nueve ➔ One hundred eighty nine ➔ 189
Ciento noventa ➔ One hundred ninety ➔ 190
190 to 200 in Spanish
Ciento noventa ➔ One hundred ninety ➔ 190
Ciento noventa y uno ➔ One hundred ninety one ➔ 191
Ciento noventa y dos ➔ One hundred ninety two ➔ 192
Ciento noventa y tres ➔ One hundred ninety three ➔ 193
Ciento noventa y cuatro ➔ One hundred ninety four ➔ 194
Ciento noventa y cinco ➔ One hundred ninety five ➔ 195
Ciento noventa y seis ➔ One hundred ninety six ➔ 196
Ciento noventa y siete ➔ One hundred ninety seven ➔ 197
Ciento noventa y ocho ➔ One hundred ninety eight ➔ 198
Ciento noventa y nueve ➔ One hundred ninety nine ➔ 199
Doscientos ➔ Two hundred ➔ 200
*Spanish numbers list 100-200 completed: December 1, 2024.
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Spanish Numbers 200-1000: Learn how to say the numbers 200 to 1000 in Spanish.
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