Spanish Numbers 200 to 1000
We are still currently working on this list of Spanish numbers ranging from 200 to 1000, and as such, some of the numbers aren't yet available. Hopefully we'll have the full list for this page completed soon! This following Spanish to English translations have been divided into groups of hundreds for easier learning.
To learn about other number ranges, see our other pages:
Now onto the list of Spanish Numbers 200-1000.
Spanish Number Words 200 to 1000:
You can also view this list of Spanish numbers with translations from English to Spanish. Words in bold added during the last update.
General Number Words:
Número ➔ Number
Contar ➔ Count
Contando ➔ Counting
The 200s in Spanish
Doscientos ➔ Two hundred ➔ 200
Doscientos uno ➔ Two hundred one ➔ 201
Doscientos dos ➔ Two hundred two ➔ 202
Doscientos diez ➔ Two hundred ten ➔ 210
Doscientos once ➔ Two hundred eleven ➔ 211
Doscientos doce ➔ Two hundred twelve ➔ 212
Doscientos veinte ➔ Two hundred twenty ➔ 220
Doscientos veintiuno ➔ Two hundred twenty one ➔ 221
Doscientos veintidós ➔ Two hundred twenty two ➔ 222
Doscientos treinta ➔ Two hundred thirty ➔ 230
Doscientos treinta y uno ➔ Two hundred thirty one ➔ 231
Doscientos cuarenta ➔ Two hundred forty ➔ 240
Doscientos cuarenta y uno ➔ Two hundred forty one ➔ 241
Doscientos cincuenta ➔ Two hundred fifty ➔ 250
Doscientos cincuenta y uno ➔ Two hundred fifty one ➔ 251
Doscientos cincuenta y dos ➔ Two hundred fifty two ➔ 252
The 300s in Spanish
Trescientos ➔ Three hundred ➔ 300
Trescientos uno ➔ Three hundred one ➔ 301
Trescientos treinta ➔ Three hundred thirty ➔ 330
Trescientos cincuenta ➔ Three hundred fifty ➔ 350
Trescientos sesenta y cinco ➔ Three hundred sixty five ➔ 365
The 400s in Spanish
Cuatrocientos ➔ Four hundred ➔ 400
Cuatrocientos cincuenta ➔ Four hundred fifty ➔ 450
Cuatrocientos cincuenta y uno ➔ Four hundred fifty one ➔ 451
The 500s in Spanish
Quinientos ➔ Five hundred ➔ 500
Quinientos uno ➔ Five hundred one ➔ 501
Quinientos treinta y siete ➔ Five hundred thirty seven ➔ 537
Quinientos cuarenta y seis ➔ Five hundred forty six ➔ 546
Quinientos cincuenta ➔ Five hundred fifty ➔ 550
The 600s in Spanish
Seiscientos ➔ Six hundred ➔ 600
Seiscientos uno ➔ Six hundred one ➔ 601
The 700s in Spanish
Setecientos ➔ Seven hundred ➔ 700
Setecientos setenta y siete ➔ Seven hundred seventy seven ➔ 777
The 800s in Spanish
Ochocientos ➔ Eight hundred ➔ 800
Ochocientos ochenta y ocho ➔ Eight hundred eighty eight ➔ 888
The 900s in Spanish
Novecientos ➔ Nine hundred ➔ 900
Novecientos uno ➔ Nine hundred one ➔ 901
Novecientos dos ➔ Nine hundred two ➔ 902
1000 in Spanish
Mil ➔ Thousand ➔ 1000
*Spanish numbers list 200-1000 last updated: December 1, 2024.
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Spanish Numbers 1000-10,000: Learn how to say the numbers 1000 to 10,000 in Spanish.
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