Russian Animal Names
Animals can be cute, or ferocious, or majestic, or even your best friend. That's why it's so much fun to learn about animal names, because once you start to know what each is called, you can better talk about them with your friends.
If you'd like to learn about Russian animal names, then you've come to the right place. Below is the list of animals we are currently working on completing from Russian to English. It currently contains 29 animal translations, but if you want to learn even more animals, then feel free to bookmark this page and check back later because we try to add new translations as we are able.
For now, scroll down below and see what new animal names you can learn today!
Russian Names for Animals:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of animal names from English to Russian.
Životnye ➔ Animals
Belka ➔ Squirrel
Cyplenok ➔ Chicken
Kenguru ➔ Kangaroo
Kobra ➔ Cobra
Korova ➔ Cow
Koška ➔ Cat
Kot ➔ Cat
Kotenok ➔ Kitten
Krolik ➔ Rabbit
Kuritza ➔ Chicken
Lev ➔ Lion
Lošad ➔ Horse
Lyagushka ➔ Frog
Nosorog ➔ Rhinoceros
Obez'yana ➔ Monkey
Olen ➔ Reindeer
Ovca ➔ Sheep
Ryba ➔ Fish
Shchenok ➔ Puppy
Skuns ➔ Skunk
Slon ➔ Elephant
Sobaka ➔ Dog
Svin'ya ➔ Pig
Tigr ➔ Tiger
Verbljud ➔ Camel
Yenot ➔ Racoon
Zebra ➔ Zebra
Žiraf ➔ Giraffe
Zmeya ➔ Snake
*Russian animals last updated: February 14, 2025.
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