Animal Names in Mandarin
If you are looking for a way to expand your Mandarin vocabulary when it comes to animal words and sentences, then you've come to the right page. That's what this page is all about!
Below you will find a series of animal words, divided into groups of general animal words, animal names, animal sentences, and animal sounds. Scroll down for our full list of Mandarin to English animal translations.
Mandarin Animal Names:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these animal words from English to Mandarin.
General Animal Words in Mandarin
Dòng wù ➔ Animal
Animal Names in Mandarin
Bā zhua yú ➔ Octopus
Biān fú ➔ Bat
Cháng jing lù ➔ Giraffe
Dà bái shā ➔ Great white shark
Dà shu ➔ Rat
Dà xiàng ➔ Elephant
Dà xióng māo ➔ Giant panda
Duan wěn è ➔ Alligator
Gōng jī ➔ Rooster
Gou ➔ Dog
Guī ➔ Turtle
Hóu ➔ Monkey
Luò tuó ➔ Camel
Ma ➔ Horse
Māo ➔ Cat
Mián yáng ➔ Sheep
Niú ➔ Cow
Tù zi ➔ Rabbit
Shā yú ➔ Shark
Shān yáng ➔ Goat
Shé ➔ Snake
Xiăo jī ➔ Chicken
Xiao shu ➔ Mouse
Xióng ➔ Bear
Yáng ➔ Goat
Yú ➔ Fish
Zhū ➔ Pig
Animal Sentences in Mandarin
Wo ài wo de gou. ➔ I love my dog.
Wo ài wo de māo. ➔ I love my cat.
Animal Sounds in Mandarin
Guā guā ➔ Frog sound (ribbit ribbit)
Miāo ➔ Cat sound (meow)
Wāng wāng ➔ Dog sound (woof woof)
*Mandarin animal words last updated: February 1, 2025.
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