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Japanese Animal Names and Phrases

This page will help you familiarize yourself with a long list of animal names in Japanese. The page includes some basic animal words like animals and zoo, then moves onto the main list of animal names translated into various forms of Japanese writing: Romaji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.

Below the list of Japanese animal translations you'll find a section that gives a brief look at some animals seen in Japanese folklore. These include the Japanese Fox, Japanese Raccoon Dog, and Japanese River Otter.

Japanese to English Animal Words and Phrases:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of animal words from English to Japanese.

General Animal Words in Japanese

A couple of related words with their Hiragana and Kanji writings.

Romaji Hiragana Kanji English
Doubutsu どうぶつ 動物 Animals
Doubutsuen どうぶつえん 動物園 Zoo

Names of the Animals in Japanese

When possible we've also added the Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji next to the animals on the list.

Romaji Hiragana Katakana Kanji English
Azarashi アザラシ Seal
Banii バニー Bunny
Buta ぶた Pig
Chiitaa チーター Cheetah
Chinchira チンチラ Chinchilla
Ebi えび エビ 海老 Shrimp
Feretto フェレット Ferret
Gama がま 蝦蟇 Toad
Hamusutaa ハムスター Hamster
Haiena ハイエナ Hyena
Hebi へび Snake
Hitsuji ひつじ Sheep
Inu いぬ Dog
Iruka いるか イルカ Dolphin
Jirafu ジラフ Giraffe
Kaba カバ Hippopotamus
Kame かめ カメ Turtle
Kamonohashi カモノハシ Platypus
Kawauso カワウソ 川獺 Otter
Kitsune きつね キツネ Fox
Kirin きりん キリン Giraffe
Kuma くま クマ Bear
Kyameru キャメル Camel
Morumotto モルモット Guinea Pig
Neko ねこ Cat
Nezumi ねずみ Mouse
Ookami おおかみ Wolf
Ottaa オッター Otter
Raba らば ラバ Mule
Raion ライオン Lion
Rakuda らくだ 駱駝 Camel
Rakuun ラクーン Raccoon
Risu りす リス Squirrel
Ryuu りゅう Dragon
Saru さる Monkey
Sakana さかな Fish
Shika しか 鹿 Deer
Shishi しし 獅子 Lion
Sunanezumi スナネズミ 砂鼠 Gerbil
Suneeku スネーク Snake
Taka たか Hawk
Tako たこ タコ Octopus
Tokage トカゲ Lizard
Tora とら Tiger
Tori とり Bird
Uma うま Horse
Usagi うさぎ Rabbit
Ushi うし Cow
Uso うそ Otter

Japanese Sentences with Animal References

See how to use Japanese animal names in actual sentences. Hiragana-only and standard Japanese writing are both listed.

Romaji Hiragana / Standard Japanese English
Neko wa chiisai desu. ねこはちさいです。
The cat is small.
Watashi no inu wa totemo kawaii desu. わたしのいぬはとてもかわいいです。
My dog is very cute.

Animals in Japanese Folklore:

There are many animals which make an appearance in Japanese folklore. Here is a selection of such animals and a short description of each to help you learn a bit more about them.

Japanese Fox - Kitsune

Kitsune in Japanese folklore are long-lived foxes who at a certain age and level of wisdom gain magical powers like shapeshifting that continue to grow as they age. Kitsune can have as many as nine tails, with higher tail numbers signifying older, more powerful beings. Kitsune are split into two categories - zenko (aka good foxes) are benevolent beings, while yako (aka field foxes) are mischievous and sometimes malicious.

Japanese Raccoon Dog - Tanuki

In Japanese folklore, Tanuki are considered masters of disguise because they can shapeshift into just about anything, including humans - which by some accounts, they can even possess. They are generally mischievous, happy creatures, but can also be absent-minded. In some cases, a Tanuki may choose to live as a transformed human for long periods of time without being spotted.

Japanese River Otter - Kawauso

Kawauso in Japanese folklore are Japanese river otters who are believed to develop magical powers in their old age. As their magical powers mature, they are thought to possess the ability to switch between their otter and human forms, and can accurately mimic human sounds when playing tricks on them. Sometimes Kawauso will transform into beautiful young women to trick expectant young men.

This list of Japanese animal names was last updated on March 9, 2025.

Next Up

Japanese Colors: Learn how to say color words in Japanese.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Japanese myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Japanese language learning journey!

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