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Japanese Portal
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Japanese Portal
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Learn Japanese Animal Names and Phrases

This page should act as a good reference for those who are looking for a place to build on their basic Japanese vocabulary - especially when it comes to learning about Japanese animal words and phrases. The page includes some basic animal words, the names of several animals translated from various forms of Japanese writing: Romaji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.

Know any other animal words or phrases that are missing from this page? Leave a comment in our comment section or submit it to the site using the form at the bottom of the page - just above the submit form is a list of animal words that people are looking for translations of if you need some inspiration.

Besides the list of animal words and phrases you'll also find some other interesting things on the page including a comment section where you can connect with other learners of the Japanese language, plus some additional learning resources on Amazon to further your studies. There's also some links to some Japanese themed articles if you feel so inclined to read them.

Japanese to English Animal Words and Phrases:

Whether you are learning about Japanese animal words in Japan, taking an online Japanese class, or plan to enrol yourself in Japanese language immersion school, our Japanese to English dictionary is always being updated with new Japanese animal words which makes it an excellent supplement for those trying to learn how to speak Japanese.

View this list of Japanese animal words with translations from: Japanese to English or English to Japanese

(Words in bold added during the last update. Latest additions can also been seen on our Twitter page: LearnJapaneseCL.)

General Animal Words in Japanese:

Romaji Hiragana Kanji English
Doubutsu どうぶつ 動物 Animals
Doubutsuen どうぶつえん 動物園 Zoo

Names of the Animals in Japanese:

Romaji Hiragana Katakana Kanji English
Buta ぶた Pig
Ebi えび 海老 Shrimp
Gama Toad
Hebi Snake
Hitsuji ひつじ Sheep
Inu いぬ Dog
Iruka いるか Dolphin
Kaba Hippopotamus
Kame かめ Turtle
Kitsune きつね Fox
Kirin / Jirafu きりん ジラフ Giraffe
Kuma くま Bear
Morumotto モルモット Guinea Pig
Neko ねこ Cat
Nezumi ねずみ Mouse
Ookami Wolf
Raba Mule
Rakuda らくだ Camel
Risu りす Squirrel
Ryuu りゅう Dragon
Saru さる Monkey
Sakana さかな Fish
Shika しか 鹿 Deer
Shishi / Raion しし ライオン 獅子 Lion
Taka Hawk
Tako たこ Octopus
Tora とら Tiger
Tori とり Bird
Uma うま Horse
Usagi うさぎ Rabbit / Bunny
Ushi うし Cow

Japanese Sentences with Animal References:

Romaji Hiragana / Standard Japanese English
Watashi no inu wa totemo kawaii desu. わたしのいぬはとてもかわいいです。
My dog is very cute.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Japanese myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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