Bosnian Animal Names
Do you like animals? I sure do. Animals are such a fun part of vocabulary, which is good because there's a seemingly endless number of animal names to learn.
By scrolling down you'll find not only a long list of animal names from A-Z (or from K-Z as this page would have it!), but you'll also find some general animal words and a list of animal sounds as well.
Animal Names in Bosnian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of animal words from English to Bosnian.
General Animal Words in Bosnian
Akvarijum ➔ Aquarium
Povodac ➔ Leash
Veterinar ➔ Veterinarian
Bosnian Animal Names A-Z
Kamila ➔ Camel
Konj ➔ Horse
Kornjača ➔ Turtle
Krava ➔ Cow
Slon ➔ Elephant
Svinja ➔ Pig
Mačka ➔ Cat
Magarac ➔ Donkey
Majmun ➔ Monkey
Medvjed ➔ Bear
Miš ➔ Mouse
Pas ➔ Dog
Pile ➔ Chicken
Ptica ➔ Bird
Sova ➔ Owl
Zec ➔ Rabbit
Zmija ➔ Snake
Animal Sounds in Bosnian
Av-Av ➔ Woof Woof (Dog)
Huu-Huu ➔ Hoot Hoot (Owl)
Kva-Kva ➔ Quack Quack (Duck)
Mijau ➔ Meow (Cat)
Muu ➔ Moo (Cow)
*List of Bosnian animal names first posted: March 2, 2025.
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Common Words and Phrases in Bosnian: Learn how to say common Bosnian words and phrases.
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