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65 French Animal Words

There are many French animal names to remember when you are learning to speak French, so to get you started off with the easiest information, I'll begin with what I like to call the "free words" of the French language.

These words are written exactly the same in both English and French, so, if you aleady know how to spell them in English, then you are well on your way to remembering them in French.

Note: Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of animal names from English to French.

Free Animal Words:

All you need to do is remember whether they are masculine (le, as most of them are) or feminine (la). Here is the list of some of the "free" French animal names.

L'alligator (m) ➔ Alligator

Le crocodile ➔ Crocodile

La gazelle ➔ Gazelle

Le hamster ➔ Hamster

Le jaguar ➔ Jaguar

Le koala ➔ Koala

Le lion ➔ Lion

Le panda ➔ Panda

Le pigeon ➔ Pigeon

Le rat ➔ Rat

Le toucan ➔ Toucan

Congratulations! You now know eleven French animal names!

Almost Free Animal Names (English to French):

Now then comes the "almost free" French animal names. These words are very similar between the French and the English translations, that so long as you can remember a small change or two and their proper gender, you should have no trouble remembering these additional French animals.

L'antilope (f) ➔ Antelope

L'armadille (f) ➔ Armadillo

Le canari ➔ Canary

Le chimpanzé ➔ Chimpanzee

Le crabe ➔ Crab

L'éléphant (m) ➔ Elephant

La girafe ➔ Giraffe

Le gorille ➔ Gorilla

L'hippopotame (m) ➔ Hippopotamus

L'iguane (m) ➔ Iguana

L'insecte (m) ➔ Insect

Le lama ➔ Llama

Le léopard ➔ Leopard

Le lézard ➔ Lizard

L'orang-outang (m) ➔ Orangutan

Le rhinocéros ➔ Rhinoceros

Le tigre ➔ Tiger

Le zèbra ➔ Zebra

There's another eighteen animal words that should be fairly simple for you to remember. Please see below for our full list of French animal names.

French Animal Words:

("Le" animals are masculine, "La" animals are feminine. Animals starting with "L'" have a (m) or (f) to denote gender.)

L'agneau (m) ➔ Lamb

L'alligator (m) ➔ Alligator

L'alpaga (m.) ➔ Alpaca

L'âne (m) ➔ Donkey

L'antilope (f) ➔ Antelope

L'armadille (f) ➔ Armadillo

Le canard ➔ Duck

Le canari ➔ Canary

Le cerf ➔ Deer

Le chameau ➔ Camel

Le chat ➔ Cat

Le chaton ➔ Kitten

Le cheval ➔ Horse

La chèvre ➔ Goat

Le chien ➔ Dog

Le chimpanzé ➔ Chimpanzee

Le chiot ➔ Puppy

Le cochon ➔ Pig

Le coq ➔ Rooster

Le crabe ➔ Crab

Le crocodile ➔ Crocodile

Le cygne ➔ Swan

Le dauphin ➔ Dolphin

Le dindon ➔ Turkey

L'éléphant (m) ➔ Elephant

La fourmi ➔ Ant

La gazelle ➔ Gazelle

La girafe ➔ Giraffe

Le gorille ➔ Gorilla

Le hamster ➔ Hamster

Le hibou ➔ Owl

L'hippocampe (m) ➔ Seahorse

L'hippopotame (m) ➔ Hippopotamus

L'iguane (m) ➔ Iguana

L'insecte (m) ➔ Insect

Le jaguar ➔ Jaguar

Le koala ➔ Koala

Le lama ➔ Llama

Le lapin ➔ Rabbit

Le léopard ➔ Leopard

Le lézard ➔ Lizard

Le lion ➔ Lion

Le loup ➔ Wolf

La méduse ➔ Jellyfish

Le mouton ➔ Sheep

Le morse ➔ Walrus

L'oie ➔ Goose

L'oiseau (m) ➔ Bird

L'orang-outang (m) ➔ Orangutan

L'ours (m) ➔ Bear

Le panda ➔ Panda

Le papillon ➔ Butterfly

La pieuvre ➔ Octopus

Le pigeon ➔ Pigeon

Le poisson ➔ Fish

Le poulet ➔ Chicken

Le rat ➔ Rat

Le requin ➔ Shark

Le rhinocéros ➔ Rhinoceros

Le serpent ➔ Snake

Le singe ➔ Ape

Le singe ➔ Monkey

La souris ➔ Mouse

Le tigre ➔ Tiger

La tortue ➔ Turtle

La tortue marine ➔ Sea Turtle

Le toucan ➔ Toucan

La vache ➔ Cow

Le zèbra ➔ Zebra

Sentences with Animal Names:

Aimeriez vous acheter de moi quelque cheveux voles? ➔ Would you like to buy some stolen horses from me?

J'aime faire du cheval. ➔ I like to go horseback riding.

J'etais un canard. Mais, les canards sont tres tres stupid, ainsi j'ai change ➔ I used to be a duck. But ducks are very very stupid, so I changed.

Mon petit-ami est le poisson dans l'ocean d'atlantique. ➔ My boyfriend is a fish in the atlantic ocean.

*List of animal words last updated: November 29, 2024.

English to French Comprehension:

Can you answer these questions about French animals?

1. Is giraffe in French masculine or feminine?
2. What is the word for jaguar (animal) in French?
3. Is zebra in French masculine or feminine?
4. Name two animals that start with M in French.
5. Name two animals that start with A in French.
6. What is the word for armadillo in French?
7. Is panda masculine or feminine in French?
8. Name two animals that start with I in French.
9. What is the French translation of hamster?
10. What is the French word for alligator?

French to English Comprehension:

What about these animal questions starting with the French first? Can you translate them back into English?

1. Is cheval masculine or feminine?

Next Up

Colors: Learn how to say color words in French.

Perhaps you want to learn animal words in these other languages?

French, German, Hawaiian, Japanese, Malay, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak French myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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