Country Names and Nationalities in French
If someone asks you where are you from in French (D'où viens-tu?), then you might need this list of French country names to help you give a suitable answer. You might also need to know how to speak of your nationality, so various nationality translations have also been provided.
While not all country and nationality translations are currently found in the following lists, we do have several translations for you to learn from and plan to continue adding to these lists until we've covered all the bases. Until then, scroll down to learn how to say select country names and nationalities in French.
French Country Names and Nationalities
You can also view this list of country names from English to French.
List of French Country Names
A list of French country names and their English meanings.
Afrique du Sud ➔ South Africa
Allemagne ➔ Germany
Arabie Saoudite ➔ Saudi Arabia
Australie ➔ Australia
Autriche ➔ Austria
Azerbaïdjan ➔ Azerbaijan
Belgique ➔ Belgium
Brésil ➔ Brazil
Canada ➔ Canada
Chine ➔ China
Corée du Nord ➔ North Korea
Corée du Sud ➔ South Korea
Croatie ➔ Croatia
Danemark ➔ Denmark
Égypte ➔ Egypt
Emirats Arabes Unis ➔ United Arab Emirates
Espagne ➔ Spain
Etats-Unis ➔ United States
Finlande ➔ Finland
France ➔ France
Inde ➔ India
Irlande ➔ Ireland
Islande ➔ Iceland
Jamaïque ➔ Jamaica
Japon ➔ Japan
Kiribati ➔ Kiribati
Les états-unis d'Amérique ➔ United States of America
Les Pays-Bas ➔ The Netherlands
Malaisie ➔ Malaysia
Maroc ➔ Morocco
Mexique ➔ Mexico
Norvège ➔ Norway
Nouvelle-Zélande ➔ New Zealand
Palestine ➔ Palestine
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée ➔ Papua New Guinea
Philippines ➔ Philippines
Pologne ➔ Poland
République Dominicaine ➔ Dominican Republic
République Tchèque ➔ Czechia
Roumanie ➔ Romania
Royaume-Uni ➔ United Kingdom
Russie ➔ Russia
Serbie ➔ Serbia
Suède ➔ Sweden
Suisse ➔ Switzerland
Syrie ➔ Syria
Thaïlande ➔ Thailand
Tonga ➔ Tonga
Ukraine ➔ Ukraine
Nationality Translations in French
Nationalities translated from French to English. (Country shown in brackets)
Américain(e) ➔ American (United States)
Australien(ne) ➔ Australian (Australia)
Canadien(ne) ➔ Canadian (Canada)
Chinois(e) ➔ Chinese (China)
Égyptien(ne) ➔ Egyptian (Egypt)
Indien(ne) ➔ Indian (India)
Italien(ne) ➔ Italian (Italy)
Japonais(e) ➔ Japanese (Japan)
Mexicain(e) ➔ Mexican (Mexico)
Sud-africain(e) ➔ South African (South Africa)
*French countries list last updated: January 4, 2024.
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