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Japanese Portal
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Japanese Days of the Week, Months and Seasons

There's a lot to learn when talking about dates in Japanese. For instance, there's the days of the week, the months of the year, and even seasons to consider. Fortunately, this page contains the translations for each of these topics to help get you conversing in Japanese.

You'll also find some other calendar-related words on this page like weekend and weekday, plus some translations for special days like birthdays. Scroll down to see the full list or use our quick links to find the exact list you are looking for.

Japanese Days, Months and Seasons:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of days and months from English to Japanese.

Days of the Week in Japanese

Translations for all the days of the week in Japanese, from Sunday (Nichiyoubi) to Saturday (Doyoubi).

Nichiyoubi ➔ Sunday

Getsuyoubi ➔ Monday

Kayoubi ➔ Tuesday

Suiyoubi ➔ Wednesday

Mokuyoubi ➔ Thursday

Kinyoubi ➔ Friday

Doyoubi ➔ Saturday

Months of the Year in Japanese

Translations for all the months of the year in Japanese, from January (Nichiyoubi) to December (Juunigatsu). Notice the numbers that start each month? Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Ku, Juu, Juuichi, Juuni. Note the use of "Shi" instead of "Yon" for April, and "Shichi" instead of "Nana" for July, and "Ku" instead of "Kyuu" for September.

Ichigatsu ➔ January

Nigatsu ➔ February

Sangatsu ➔ March

Shigatsu ➔ April

Gogatsu ➔ May

Rokugatsu ➔ June

Shichigatsu ➔ July

Hachigatsu ➔ August

Kugatsu ➔ September

Juugatsu ➔ October

Juuichigatsu ➔ November

Juunigatsu ➔ December

Seasons of the Year in Japanese

And here are the translations for the seasons of the year in Japanese.

Haru ➔ Spring

Natsu ➔ Summer

Aki ➔ Autumn

Fuyu ➔ Winter

General Calendar Words in Japanese

Here are some other days, weeks, months, and years words you might run into when speaking of Japanese calendar topics.

Tsuitachi ➔ First day of the month

Heijitsu ➔ Weekday

Shuumatsu ➔ Weekend

Kinou ➔ Yesterday

Kyou ➔ Today

Ashita ➔ Tomorrow

Mainichi ➔ Everyday

Senshuu ➔ Last week

Konshuu ➔ This week

Raishuu ➔ Next week

Maishuu ➔ Every week

Sengetsu ➔ Last month

Kongetsu ➔ This month

Raigetsu ➔ Next month

Maitsuki ➔ Every month

Kyonen ➔ Last year

Kotoshi ➔ This year

Rainen ➔ Next year

Maitoshi ➔ Every year

Special Days in Japanese

Wouldn't want to miss the special days of the year.

Tanjoubi ➔ Birthday

Otanjoubi omedetou ➔ Happy birthday

Kurisumasu ➔ Christmas

Merii Kurisumasu ➔ Merry Christmas

*Japanese days and months list last updated: January 27, 2025.

Next Up

Japanese Food and Drink Words: Learn how to say food and drink words in Japanese.

Perhaps you want to learn days of the week and months of the year in these other languages?

Burmese, French, Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Japanese myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Japanese language learning journey!

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