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Greek Portal
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Days, Months and Seasons in Greek

Days, months, and seasons are a very important part of vocabulary if you are ever planning to talk about dates. So, if you are looking for the Greek to English translations for the days of the week, months of the year, or seasons, then this is definitely the page for you.

We have translations for all of these topics and more, which you can find below by simply scrolling down, or you can use our quick links to send you directly to the topic of your choosing.

Greek Days of the Week, Months and Seasons

Words in bold added during the last updates. You can also view this list of days and months from English to Greek.

General Greek Words about Days and Months

Related words that might come in useful when talking about days, months, etc.

Imera ➔ Day

Evdomada ➔ Week

Minas ➔ Month

Khronos ➔ Year

Simera ➔ Today

Avrio ➔ Tomorrow

Days of the Week in Greek

Can you say the word for today's day of the week in Greek?

Kiriaki ➔ Sunday

Deftera ➔ Monday

Triti ➔ Tuesday

Tetarti ➔ Wednesday

Pempti ➔ Thursday

Paraskevi ➔ Friday

Savato ➔ Saturday

Months of the Year in Greek

Can you see the simularities between the Greek and English words for the months of the year?

Ianouarios ➔ January

Phevrouarios ➔ February

Martios ➔ March

Aprilios ➔ April

Maios ➔ May

Iounios ➔ June

Ioulios ➔ July

Avgoustos ➔ August

Septemvrios ➔ September

Oktovrios ➔ October

Noemvrios ➔ November

Dekemvrios ➔ December

Seasons in Greek

What is your favorite season? Now you can talk about it in Greek!

Epokhés ➔ Seasons

Ánixi ➔ Spring

Kalokaíri ➔ Summer

Phthinóporo ➔ Autumn

Khimónas ➔ Winter

*Greek days and months last updated: January 21, 2025.

Next Up

Greek Food and Drink Words: Learn how to say food and drink words in Greek.

Perhaps you want to learn days of the week and months of the year in these other languages?

Burmese, French, Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Greek myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Greek language learning journey!

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