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Greek Family and People Words

Family and other types of people make up a large portion of daily conversation subjects. This page is a great resource if you are looking to learn the translated vocabulary for various family and people-related words in Greek.

The words are divided into several categories that can each be found below - general people words, pronouns, parents and grandparents, and children and siblings.

Scroll down for the full list of Greek to English translations or use our quick links to skip to the section of your choosing.

Family and People Words in Greek:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of family words from English to Greek.

General People Words in Greek

Some people-related words that might come in handy.

Anthropos ➔ Person / Human

Filos ➔ Friend

Ikoyénia ➔ Family

Singenís ➔ Relatives

Pronouns in Greek

Learning Greek pronouns will help you express who you are talking about.

Egó ➔ I / Me

Esi ➔ You

Aftos ➔ He

Afti ➔ She

Greek Words for Parents and Grandparents

In this section I've added various translations for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and great grandparents.

Gonéas ➔ Parent

Papúdes ➔ Grandparents

Propapúdes ➔ Great grandparents

Mitéra ➔ Mother

Petherá ➔ Mother-in-law

Patéras ➔ Father

Petherós ➔ Father-in-law

Yaya ➔ Grandmother

Proyayá ➔ Great grandmother

Papus ➔ Grandfather

Propápus ➔ Great grandfather

Greek Words for Children and Siblings

And here I've tried to group any words about daughters, sons, sisters, and brothers.

Pedí ➔ Child

Egóni ➔ Grandchild

Kóri ➔ Daughter

Engoní ➔ Granddaughter

Yos ➔ Son

Engonós ➔ Grandson

Adelfí ➔ Sister

Megalíteri aderfí ➔ Older sister

Mikróteri aderfí ➔ Younger sister

Adelfos ➔ Brother

Mikróteros aderfós ➔ Younger brother

*Greek family and people words last updated: January 21, 2025.

Next Up

Greek Days and Months: Learn how to say the days of the week and months of the year in Greek.

Perhaps you want to learn family and people words in these other languages?

Greek, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Greek myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Greek language learning journey!

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