Russian Astrological Signs
This page will help you learn the translations for all the astrological signs: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius, and Libra.
You will also learn how to ask about someone's sign and how to answer about your sign if someone asks you. Scroll down for the full list of Russian to English translations.
Russian Astrological Signs:
Here is our list of astrological signs in Russian. You can also view this list with translations from English to Russian.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
Kakoy tvoy znak? ➔ What's your sign?
Moy znak... ➔ My sign is...
Astrologiya ➔ Astrology
Bliznetsy ➔ Gemini
Deva ➔ Virgo
Kozerog ➔ Capricorn
Lef ➔ Leo
Oven ➔ Aries
Rak ➔ Cancer
Ryby ➔ Pisces
Skorpion ➔ Scorpio
Strelets ➔ Sagittarius
Telets ➔ Taurus
Vodoley ➔ Aquarius
Vesy ➔ Libra
*Russian astrological signs last updated: October 27, 2024.
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