Animals in Spanish
There are so many times in life when you'll want to talk about animals in Spanish. Maybe you want to talk about your pet, or point out an animal while visiting a Spanish zoo. No matter what your reason is for wanting to say animal words, luckily, this page is full of Spanish to English translations to help you out.
Look below for Spanish to English translations of many animal words and sentences. First up is a list of 141 animals in Spanish, then there's the same list, but this time organized into categories, followed by a list of 24 translated animal-related sentences to help you better understand how each word may be naturally said in conversation. There's also a video further down the page that deals with animals that can help you with your Spanish pronunciation.
List of Animals in Spanish (with English Translations)
Here is our big list of animal names in Spanish a-z. You can also view these words with translations from English to Spanish.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
Animales ➔ The plural of animal in Spanish is Animales.
Animales salvajes ➔ Wild animals
Mascota ➔ Pet
Mascotas ➔ Pets
Zoológico ➔ Zoo
Zoológico interactivo ➔ Petting zoo
Animales de zoológico ➔ Zoo animals
Águila ➔ Eagle
Albatros ➔ Albatross
Alce ➔ Moose
Antílope ➔ Antelope
Ardilla ➔ Squirrel
Ardilla listada ➔ Chipmunk
Ardilla voladora ➔ Flying squirrel
Armadillo ➔ Armadillo
Avestruz ➔ Ostrich
Avispa ➔ Wasp
Babuino ➔ Baboon
Bagre ➔ Catfish
Ballena ➔ Whale
Ballena jorobada ➔ Humpback whale
Bisonte ➔ Bison
Búfalo ➔ Buffalo
Buitre ➔ Vulture
Burro ➔ Donkey
Caballo ➔ Horse
Caballo de mar ➔ Seahorse
Cabra ➔ Goat
Cachorro ➔ Puppy
Caimán ➔ Alligator
Calamar ➔ Squid
Calamar gigante ➔ Giant squid
Camaleón ➔ Chameleon
Camello ➔ Camel
Canguro ➔ Kangaroo
Caracol ➔ Snail
Castor ➔ Beaver
Cebra ➔ Zebra
Cerdo ➔ Pig
Cerdo vietnamita ➔ Pot-bellied pig
Chimpancé ➔ Chimpanzee
Ciempiés ➔ Centipede
Ciervo ➔ Deer
Cisne ➔ Swan
Coala ➔ Koala
Cocodrilo ➔ Crocodile
Colibrí ➔ Hummingbird
Comadreja ➔ Weasel
Conejillo de indias ➔ Guinea pig
Conejo ➔ Rabbit
Cucaracha ➔ Cockroach
Delfín ➔ Dolphin
Dragon ➔ Dragon
Elefante ➔ Elephant
Elefante africano ➔ African elephant
Elefante asiático ➔ Asian elephant
Erizo ➔ Hedgehog
Escorpión ➔ Scorpion
Estrella de mar ➔ Starfish
Faisán ➔ Pheasant
Foca ➔ Seal
Gallina ➔ Chicken
Ganso ➔ Goose
Gato ➔ Cat
Gato montés ➔ Bobcat
Geco ➔ Gecko
Glotón ➔ Wolverine
Gorila ➔ Gorilla
Gorrión ➔ Sparrow
Hámster ➔ Hamster
Halcón ➔ Falcon
Hiena ➔ Hyena
Hipopotamo ➔ Hippopotamus
Hormiga ➔ Ant
Hormigas rojas ➔ Fire ants
Hurón ➔ Ferret
Jirafa ➔ Giraffe
Lagartija ➔ Lizard
Langosta ➔ Lobster
León ➔ Lion
Leopardo ➔ Leopard
Leopardo cazador ➔ Cheetah
Libélula ➔ Dragonfly
Lince ➔ Lynx
Lobo ➔ Wolf
Loro ➔ Parrot
Luciérnaga ➔ Firefly
Manatí ➔ Manatee
Mantarraya ➔ Stingray
Mapache ➔ Raccoon
Mariposa ➔ Butterfly
Mariposa monarca ➔ Monarch butterfly
Milpiés ➔ Millipede
Mono ➔ Monkey
Mono araña ➔ Spider monkey
Morsa ➔ Walrus
Mosca ➔ Fly
Mosca de la fruta ➔ Fruit fly
Mula ➔ Mule
Murciélago ➔ Bat
Nutria ➔ Otter
Ocelote ➔ Ocelot
Orangután ➔ Orangutan
Ornitorrinco ➔ Platypus
Oruga ➔ Caterpillar
Oso ➔ Bear
Oso hormiguero ➔ Anteater
Oso negro ➔ Black bear
Oso panda ➔ Panda bear
Oso polar ➔ Polar bear
Oveja ➔ Sheep
Pajaro ➔ Bird
Pájaro carpintero ➔ Woodpecker
Pastor alemán ➔ German Shepherd
Pavo real ➔ Peacock
Peces ➔ Fish (plural)
Pelícano ➔ Pelican
Perezoso ➔ Sloth
Pingüino ➔ Penguin
Piraña ➔ Piranha
Perro ➔ Dog
Pez ➔ Fish
Pez león ➔ Lionfish
Polilla ➔ Moth
Puerco espín ➔ Porcupine
Pulpo ➔ Octopus
Puma ➔ Cougar
Rana ➔ Frog
Rana de árbol ➔ Tree frog
Rata ➔ Rat
Ratón ➔ Mouse
Rinoceronte ➔ Rhinoceros
Salamandra ➔ Salamander
Saltamontes ➔ Grasshopper
Serpiente ➔ Snake
Serpiente de cascabel ➔ Rattlesnake
Tiburón ➔ Shark
Tiburón martillo ➔ Hammerhead shark
Tigre ➔ Tiger
Tigre siberiano ➔ Siberian tiger
Tijereta ➔ Earwig
Tortuga ➔ Turtle
Tortuga baula ➔ Leatherback turtle
Tortuga marina ➔ Sea turtle
Vaca ➔ Cow
Zarigüeya ➔ Opossum / Possum
Zorrillo ➔ Skunk
Zorro ➔ Fox
Spanish Animals Listed by Category (Land, Sea, and Sky)
You can also view these categories with translations from English to Spanish.
These are the same translations that were listed above, but grouped into categories to help you better remember. I find that it's easier to remember things if they've been presented to me in different ways, but if you are just looking for a specific translation, then the list above will probably be more helpful to you.
As you might be able to tell, I had some difficulty in choosing the category sometimes - I'm not a zoologist, so I just went with my gut feelings. Please forgive any errors.
Land Animals
There are many animals that stay mostly to the land. Some translations for these include: Alce (Moose), Antílope (Antelope), Ardilla (Squirrel), Ardilla listada (Chipmunk), Ardilla voladora (Flying squirrel), Armadillo (Armadillo), Avestruz (Ostrich - I don't believe they fly?), Babuino (Baboon), Bisonte (Bison), Búfalo (Buffalo), Burro (Donkey), Caballo (Horse), Cabra (Goat), Cachorro (Puppy), Camaleón (Chameleon), Camello (Camel), Canguro (Kangaroo), Caracol (Snail), Cebra (Zebra), Cerdo (Pig), Cerdo vietnamita (Pot-bellied pig), Chimpancé (Chimpanzee), Ciempiés (Centipede), Ciervo (Deer), Coala (Koala), Cocodrilo (Crocodile), Comadreja (Weasel), Conejillo de indias (Guinea pig), Conejo (Rabbit), Cucaracha (Cockroach), Elefante (Elephant), Elefante africano (African elephant), Elefante asiático (Asian elephant), Erizo (Hedgehog), Escorpión (Scorpion), Gallina (Chicken), Gato (Cat), Gato montés (Bobcat), Geco (Gecko), Glotón (Wolverine), Gorila (Gorilla), Hámster (Hamster), Hiena (Hyena), Hipopotamo (Hippopotamus), Hormiga (Ant), Hormigas rojas (Fire ants), Hurón (Ferret), Jirafa (Giraffe), Lagartija (Lizard), León (Lion), Leopardo (Leopard), Leopardo cazador (Cheetah), Lince (Lynx), Lobo (Wolf), Mapache (Raccoon), Milpiés (Millipede), Mono (Monkey), Mono araña (Spider monkey), Mula (Mule), Ocelote (Ocelot), Orangután (Orangutan), Oruga (Caterpillar), Oso (Bear), Oso hormiguero (Anteater), Oso negro (Black bear), Oso panda (Panda bear), Oso polar (Polar bear), Oveja (Sheep), Pastor alemán (German Shepherd), Pavo real (Peacock), Perezoso (Sloth), Pingüino (Penguin), Perro (Dog), Puerco espín (Porcupine), Puma (Cougar), Rana (Frog), Rana de árbol (Tree frog), Rata (Rat), Ratón (Mouse), Rinoceronte (Rhinoceros), Salamandra (Salamander), Saltamontes (Grasshopper), Serpiente (Snake), Serpiente de cascabel (Rattlesnake), Tigre (Tiger), Tigre siberiano (Siberian tiger), Tijereta (Earwig), Vaca (Cow), Zarigüeya (Opossum/Possum), Zorrillo (Skunk), and Zorro (Fox).
Sea Animals
Certain animals are water animals (I've listed them as sea, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are only in/on the sea. They could also be in the ocean or lakes, etc.). Translations for these ones include: Bagre (Catfish), Ballena (Whale), Ballena jorobada (Humpback whale), Caballo de mar (Seahorse), Caimán (Alligator - are they more on land or in water?), Calamar (Squid), Calamar gigante (Giant squid), Castor (Beaver), Cisne (Swan), Delfín (Dolphin), Estrella de mar (Starfish), Foca (Seal), Langosta (Lobster), Manatí (Manatee), Mantarraya (Stingray), Morsa (Walrus), Nutria (Otter), Ornitorrinco (Platypus), Peces (Fish - plural), Pez (Fish), Piraña (Piranha), Pez león (Lionfish), Pulpo (Octopus), Tiburón (Shark), Tiburón martillo (Hammerhead shark), Tortuga (Turtle), Tortuga baula (Leatherback turtle), and Tortuga marina (Sea turtle).
Sky Animals
The last category is air - the flying animals. Those translations are: Dragon (Dragon - yes, it's mythical, but it flies, right?), Águila (Eagle), Albatros (Albatross), Ardilla voladora (Flying squirrel - hey it flies... sometimes :P), Avispa (Wasp), Buitre (Vulture), Colibrí (Hummingbird), Faisán (Pheasant - though I think they run more than they fly), Ganso (Goose), Gorrión (Sparrow), Halcón (Falcon), Libélula (Dragonfly), Loro (Parrot), Luciérnaga (Firefly), Mariposa (Butterfly), Mariposa monarca (Monarch butterfly), Mosca (Fly), Mosca de la fruta (Fruit fly), Murciélago (Bat), Pajaro (Bird), Pájaro carpintero (Woodpecker), Pelícano (Pelican), and Polilla (Moth).
Spanish Animal Names Used in Sentences
You can also view these sentences with translations from English to Spanish.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
El camaleón cambió su color. ➔ The chameleon changed its color.
El elefante es grande. ➔ The elephant is big.
El niño quiere mucho a su gato. ➔ The boy really loves his cat.
El pájaro carpintero esta maravilloso. ➔ The woodpecker is wonderful.
El perro es el mejor amigo del hombre. ➔ A dog is man's best friend.
El pez es rojo. ➔ The fish is red.
Es tu la vaca? ➔ Are you a cow?
Este animal no es una mascota. ➔ This animal is not a pet.
Esta ardilla listada de peluche es tan realista! ➔ This stuffed chipmunk is so realistic!
Esto es un león. ➔ This is a lion.
Eres un mono. ➔ You are a monkey.
John tiene un perro y un gato. ➔ John has a dog and a cat.
Me encantan los animales. ➔ I love animals.
Me encantan los pingüinos. ➔ I love penguins.
Me gusta dormir con las vacas. ➔ I like to sleep with the cows.
Me gustan los animales. ➔ I like animals.
Mi gato es grande. ➔ My cat is big.
Mi perro es muy lindo. ➔ My dog is very cute.
Mi perro se comió mi tarea. ➔ My dog ate my homework.
Pelo de mascota ➔ Pet hair
Quiero alquilar un avestruz. ➔ I want to rent an ostrich.
Tengo un gato. ➔ I have a cat.
Tengo un gato en mis pantalones. ➔ I have a cat in my pants.
Yo tengo un mono. ➔ I have a monkey.
*List of Spanish animals last updated: March 28, 2018.
English to Spanish Comprehension:
Can you answer these questions about Spanish animals? Give it a try and then scroll back up to see how you did! Ctrl+F can help you find the answers even faster if you prefer.
1. How do you say animals in Spanish?
2. How do you say I like animals in Spanish?
3. Name two animals that start with M in Spanish.
4. Name two animals in Spanish that start with A.
5. Name two Spanish animals that start with B.
6. Write two animals that start with G in Spanish.
7. How do you spell the animal bat in Spanish?
8. Name two animals that start with O in Spanish.
9. Name two animals in Spanish that start with C.
10. Write two animals that start with P in Spanish.
11. How do you say polar bear in Spanish?
12. List two animal names that start with T in Spanish.
13. Name two Spanish animals that start with F.
14. How do you say bird in Spanish translation?
15. How do you say ostrich in Spanish translation?
16. How do you say cow in Spanish?
17. How do you say grasshopper in Spanish?
18. How do you say armadillo in Spanish?
19. How do you say puppy in Spanish?
20. How do you say hamster in Spanish?
Spanish to English Comprehension:
If you'd prefer to test your knowledge with translations going from Spanish first, then give these questions a try! Check the lists above to check your answers and see how you did.
1. Zorro is Spanish for what animal?
2. What does murcielago mean in English?
3. What is the English translation of tiburon?
4. Translate avestruz to English.
5. Translate zarigüeya into English.
6. What is the English translation of mi perro es muy lindo?
7. Translate vaca from Spanish to English.
8. What is the English translation of ballena?
9. What is the Spanish to English translation of mono?
Essential Spanish Learning Materials
English/Spanish Dictionaries
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For the full selection, please visit our: Spanish Language Learning Shop
Learn Spanish Animals with Videos
Animal names in Spanish with BASHO & FRIENDS - Animales
A very good children's video with a catchy musical flair. Includes translations for several animals - Pig, Chicken, Frog, Horse, Cat, Dog, Sheep, and Bird.
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