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Indonesian Portal
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Indonesian Portal
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Indonesian Food and Drink Words

This page has a variety of translations that will help you learn food and drink related words in Indonesian. First up is a section for general words (like eat and drink), then meal types (like breakfast, lunch, dinner), then flavors (like sour, salty, sweet, and spicy), then finally the food and drink words.

The food and drink word lists are fairly small for the time being, but we will add to them as we are able, so be sure to check back in the future if you want to learn more. Happy learning!

Food and Drink Words in Indonesian:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of food and drink words from English to Indonesian.

General Food and Drink Words in Indonesian

Makan ➔ To eat

Minum ➔ To drink

Meal Types in Indonesian

Sarapan ➔ Breakfast

Makan siang ➔ Lunch

Makan malam ➔ Dinner

Flavors in Indonesian

Asam ➔ Sour

Asin ➔ Salty

Manis ➔ Sweet

Pedas ➔ Spicy

Indonesian Food Words

Ayam ➔ Chicken

Cumi ➔ Squid

Ikan ➔ Fish

Kambing ➔ Goat

Sapi ➔ Beef

Indonesian Drink Words

Air minum ➔ Drinking water

Air putih ➔ Drinking water

*Indonesian food and drink words last updated: October 21, 2024.

Next Up

Random Indonesian Words and Phrases: Learn how to say random words and phrases in Indonesian.

Perhaps you want to learn food and drink words in these other languages?

Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Serbian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Indonesian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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