Indonesian Food and Drink Words
This page has a variety of translations that will help you learn food and drink related words in Indonesian. First up is a section for general words (like eat and drink), then meal types (like breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack), then flavors (like sour, salty, sweet, and spicy), then finally the lists of food and drink words.
There is still much that needs to be added to the food and drink lists, but we will add to them as we are able, so be sure to check back in the future if you want to learn more. In the mean time, see what interesting words you can find today. Happy learning!
Food and Drink Words in Indonesian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of food and drink words from English to Indonesian.
General Food and Drink Words in Indonesian
Makan ➔ To eat
Minum ➔ To drink
Meal Types in Indonesian
Sarapan ➔ Breakfast
Makan siang ➔ Lunch
Makan malam ➔ Dinner
Camilan ➔ Snack
Flavors in Indonesian
Asam ➔ Sour
Asin ➔ Salty
Manis ➔ Sweet
Pedas ➔ Spicy
Indonesian Food Words
Makanan ➔ Food
Ayam ➔ Chicken
Beras ➔ Rice
Cumi ➔ Squid
Es krim ➔ Ice cream
Ikan ➔ Fish
Kambing ➔ Goat
Mie ➔ Noodles
Nanas ➔ Pineapple
Pisang ➔ Banana
Rasberi ➔ Raspberries
Sapi ➔ Beef
Stroberi ➔ Strawberry
Indonesian Drink Words
Minum ➔ Drink
Air minum ➔ Drinking water
Air putih ➔ Drinking water
Jus ➔ Juice
Kopi ➔ Coffee
Susu ➔ Milk
Teh ➔ Tea
This list of Indonesian food and drink words was last updated on March 11, 2025.
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Random Indonesian Words and Phrases: Learn how to say random words and phrases in Indonesian.
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