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Spanish Swear Words & Extreme Insults

Learn How to Curse, Cuss, Insult and Swear in Spanish
(Contains Serious Profanity - Must be Legal Age)

This page is full of swear words and some of the more extreme insults - as they are much stronger than the content found on our other insults page, we felt it was best to separate these into their own page of Spanish swear words and harsher insults. If you don't want to read extreme insults or are not of a legal age in your area, please visit our PG-13 insults page instead. If you are of age and want to read some swear words, insults, or more colorful language, then this is the page for you.

Anyway, there's plenty of categories on this page - these include: idiot and stupid; ugly; bastard, son of a bitch, asshole; bitch, whore, slut, and cunt; ass, dick, cunt, and groin; shit; fuck; yo momma; horny; and non-insulting swear words. Just head on down to start reading them.

Spanish Swear Words and Extreme Insults:

You can also view these swear words and insults with translations from English to Spanish.

(Words in bold added during the last update.)

*** This is our EXTREME list of Spanish swear words and insults. For our PG-13 version, click here. This is your last warning. ***
(By continuing to read this page you agree that you are of legal age to read such material.)

Idiot / Stupid

Spanish insults for times when a person's intelligence is in question.

Pinche idiota ➔ Fuckin' idiot


Spanish insults for times when a person's appearance is in question.

Tu madre es una puta fea ➔ Your mother is an ugly bitch

Bastard / Son of a bitch / Asshole

Spanish name calling, generally directed at males.

Bastardo ➔ Bastard

Besa mi culo, puto ➔ Kiss my ass, Bitch

Hijo de puta ➔ Son of a Bitch

Hijo de tu puta madre ➔ Son of a Bitch

Pendejo ➔ Jackass / Asshole

Puto ➔ Male prostitute / Man whore

Bitch / Whore / Slut / Cunt

Spanish name calling, generally directed at females.

Eres una perra ➔ You are a bitch

No me hables, puta, tengo esposa. ➔ Do not talk to me, bitch, I have a wife.

Perra ➔ Bitch

Perra loca ➔ Crazy bitch

Pinche puta ➔ Fuckin' bitch

Puta ➔ Bitch / Whore

Tu madre es una puta ➔ Your mom is a whore

Tu madre es una puta fea ➔ Your mother is an ugly bitch

Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre ➔ I shit in your whore mother's milk

Ass / Dick / Cunt / Groin

Spanish for cursing the body parts.

Besa mi culo, puto ➔ Kiss my ass, Bitch

Beso mi culo ➔ Kiss my ass

Besame el culo ➔ Kiss my ass

Coño ➔ Cunt

Culo ➔ Ass

La concha de tu madre ➔ Your mother's cunt

La concha tuya ➔ Your cunt

La ingle ➔ Groin

Me encanta tu culo ➔ I love your ass

Métetelo por el culo ➔ Stick it up your arse

Pendejo ➔ Jackass / Asshole

Puto pendejo ➔ Fucking asshole

Tu hermano no tiene la ingle ➔ Your brother has no groin

Verga ➔ Dick

Vete a la verga culero ➔ Fuck you asshole (Lit. Go to a dick)

Vete a la mierda! ➔ Kiss my ass!


One of the "dirtier" Spanish swear words. Bad pun, I know.

Cagaste y saltaste en la caca ➔ You shit and jumped in it

Cago en tu leche ➔ I shit in your milk

Caquita de la vaquita ➔ Cow shit

Hueles a mierda ➔ You smell like shit

Me cago en la leche! ➔ Shit I've had bad luck! (literally "I shit in the milk")

Mierda ➔ Shit

Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre ➔ I shit in your whore mother's milk


The all-round, multi-purpose swear word.

Cabron ➔ Motherfucker / Fucker

Chinga tu hermana ➔ Fuck your sister

Chinga tu madre ➔ Fuck your mom/mother

Chinga usted ➔ Fuck you

Chingate ➔ Fuck you / Go fuck yourself

Cojeme ➔ Fuck me

Jode tu madre ayer noche ➔ I fucked your mother last night

Joder ➔ Fuck (As in having sex)

No me jodas ➔ Don't fuck with me

Pinche idiota ➔ Fuckin' idiot

Pinche puta ➔ Fuckin' bitch

Qué chingados!!! ➔ What the fuck?!

Que mierda fue eso? ➔ What the fuck was that?

Vete a la verga culero ➔ Fuck you asshole (Lit. Go to a dick)

Vete a la verga ruco/ruca ➔ Fuck you senor/senorita

Yo chingé a tu madre ➔ I fucked your mother

Yo Momma

Because nothing gets a person fired up like insulting their mother in Spanish.

Chinga tu madre ➔ Fuck your mom/mother

Chinga tu puta madre ➔ Fuck your fucking mother

Jode tu madre ayer noche ➔ I fucked your mother last night

La concha de tu madre ➔ Your mother's cunt

Tu madre es una puta ➔ Your mom is a whore

Tu madre es una puta fea ➔ Your mother is an ugly bitch

Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre ➔ I shit in your whore mother's milk

Yo chingé a tu madre ➔ I fucked your mother


Or maybe all these Spanish insults and swears have had another affect?

Cachondo ➔ Horny

Estoy Cachondo ➔ I am horny

Tengo ganas ➔ I am horny

Tienes ganas? ➔ Are you horny? (literally 'Are you in the mood?')

Non-Insulting Swear Words

The more colorful Spanish words, without the added insults.

Caquita de la vaquita ➔ Cow shit

Me cago en la leche! ➔ Shit I've had bad luck! (literally "I shit in the milk")

Me encanta tu culo ➔ I love your ass

Qué chingados!!! ➔ What the fuck?!

Qué chingados es eso?! ➔ What the fuck is that?

Que mierda fue eso? ➔ What the fuck was that?

Tonta ➔ Bollocks

*List of Spanish swear words last updated: March 11, 2018.

Essential Spanish Learning Materials

English/Spanish Dictionaries
Spanish Phrase Books
Beginner's Spanish
Intermediate Spanish
Advanced Spanish
Comprehensive Spanish
Spanish for Careers
Spanish Learning Materials for Kids
Spanish Vocabulary Builders
Spanish Verbs
Spanish Grammar
Spanish Pronouns & Prepositions
Spanish Readers

For the full selection, please visit our: Spanish Language Learning Shop

Next Up

Spanish Insults: Learn how to say PG-13 Spanish insults.

Perhaps you want to learn insulting phrases and swear words in these other languages?

French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Spanish myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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