English to Malay Animal Words
If you are looking to grow your Malay language vocabulary when it comes to animal words, then this is the page for you! This page is full of animal translations, all listed from English to Malay.
By scrolling below, you will find translations for many animal words like rooster, sheep, horse, dragonfly, etc. Scroll down for the full list of translated animal words or use the quick links below to see what new vocabulary you can learn today.
Animals Names from English to Malay:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these animal words from Malay to English.
Quick Links:
English to Malay General Animal Words
English to Malay Animal Names
Animal Related Sentences from English to Malay
English to Malay General Animal Words
Animal ➔ Haiwan
Mammal ➔ Mamalia
Zoo ➔ Zoo
Veterinarian ➔ Doktor haiwan
English to Malay Animal Names
Bear ➔ Beruang
Bee ➔ Lebah
Bird ➔ Burung
Butterfly ➔ Rama-rama
Camel ➔ Unta
Cat ➔ Kucing
Caterpillar ➔ Ulat
Chicken ➔ Ayam
Crab ➔ Ketam
Cow ➔ Lembu
Deer ➔ Rusa
Dog ➔ Anjing
Dolphin ➔ Lumba-lumba
Donkey ➔ Keldai
Dragonfly ➔ Pepatung
Duck ➔ Itik
Elephant ➔ Gajah
Fish ➔ Ikan
Fly ➔ Lalat
Fox ➔ Rubah
Frog ➔ Katak
Giraffe ➔ Zirafah
Goat ➔ Kambing
Goldfish ➔ Ikan emas
Grasshopper ➔ Belalang
Hen ➔ Ayam
Hippopotamus ➔ Badak air
Horse ➔ Kuda
Jellyfish ➔ Obor-obor
Kangaroo ➔ Kanggaru
Ladybug ➔ Kumbang
Lion ➔ Singa
Monkey ➔ Monyet
Mosquito ➔ Nyamuk
Mouse ➔ Tikus
Octopus ➔ Sotong kurita
Owl ➔ Burung hantu
Parrot ➔ Burung nuri
Pig ➔ Babi
Polar bear ➔ Beruang kutub
Rabbit ➔ Arnab
Rooster ➔ Ayam jantan
Seahorse ➔ Kuda laut
Seal ➔ Anjing laut
Shark ➔ Jerung
Sheep ➔ Biri-biri
Shrimp ➔ Udang
Snake ➔ Ular
Starfish ➔ Tapak Sulaiman
Tiger ➔ Harimau
Tortoise ➔ Kura-kura
Turkey ➔ Turki
Turtle ➔ Penyu
Whale ➔ Ikan paus
Wolf ➔ Serigala
Woodpecker ➔ Burung belatuk
Animal Related Sentences from English to Malay
I like cats. ➔ Saya suka kucing.
I like horses. ➔ Saya suka kuda.
This list of English to Malay animal words was last updated on March 12, 2025.
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