Spanish Food Words and Drink List
If you are looking for a place to build on your Spanish food vocabulary, this page should help you get a decent start. By reading through this list of Spanish food names, drink words, and other general food terms, you'll have a much easier time eating at a Spanish food restaurant.
Look below to find the Spanish to English translations for many words found in a Spanish dinner menu or use the quick links provided to go directly to the list your wish to learn first.
Food and Drink Words in Spanish:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of food and drink words from English to Spanish.
Quick links:
Food Names in Spanish
Names of the Spices in Spanish
Drink Names in Spanish
Food and Drink Related Spanish Phrases
General Food Terms in Spanish
General Food and Drink Related Phrases in Spanish
Food Names in Spanish
Ajo ➔ Garlic
Arroz ➔ Rice
Avena ➔ Oats
Cebolla ➔ Onion
Cereal ➔ Cereal
Espaguetis ➔ Spaghetti
Fideos ➔ Noodles
Frambuesa ➔ Raspberry
Fresa ➔ Strawberry
Gelatina ➔ Jelly
Hongo ➔ Mushroom
Huevo(s) ➔ Egg(s)
Jalea ➔ Jam
Jamón ➔ Ham
Lima ➔ Lime
Maní ➔ Peanut
Manzana ➔ Apple
Naranja ➔ Orange
Pan ➔ Bread
Pepinillos ➔ Gherkins
Patata ➔ Potato
Plátano ➔ Banana
Pomelo ➔ Grapefruit
Sandía ➔ Watermelon
Tomate ➔ Tomato
Zanahoria ➔ Carrot
Names of the Spices in Spanish
Azafrán ➔ Saffron
Azúcar ➔ Sugar
Canela ➔ Cinnamon
Comino ➔ Cumin
Cilantro ➔ Coriander
La sal ➔ Salt
La pimienta ➔ Pepper
Nuez moscada ➔ Nutmeg
Drink Names in Spanish
Agua ➔ Water
Café ➔ Coffee
Cerveza ➔ Beer
Gaseosa ➔ Soda pop
Jugo ➔ Juice
Jugo de manzana ➔ Apple juice
Jugo de naranja ➔ Orange juice
Leche ➔ Milk
Limonada ➔ Lemonade
Té ➔ Tea
Vino ➔ Wine
Zumo de naranja ➔ Orange juice
Food and Drink Related Spanish Phrases
Como cereal para el desayuno. ➔ I eat cereal for breakfast.
De postre quiero flan. ➔ For dessert, I'll have caramel custard.
El queso ➔ The cheese
La vida es como una caja de chocolate. ➔ Life is like a box of chocolates.
Quiero Taco Bell. ➔ I want Taco Bell.
Quiero un poco de helado. ➔ I would like some ice cream.
Sal y pimienta ➔ Salt and pepper
¿Toma café? ➔ Do you drink coffee?
Tu eres un pina. ➔ You are a pineapple.
Una taza de jugo de naranja ➔ A cup of orange juice
General Food Terms in Spanish
Desayuno ➔ Breakfast
Almuerzo ➔ Lunch
Cena ➔ Dinner
Postre ➔ Dessert
Merienda ➔ Snack
Comer ➔ To eat
El alimento ➔ Food
Fruta ➔ Fruit
Vegetal ➔ Vegetable
Dulce ➔ Candy
Beber ➔ To drink
El refresco ➔ Beverage
Bebidas ➔ Drinks
Cafeteria ➔ Coffee shop
Restaurante ➔ Restaurant
General Food and Drink Related Phrases in Spanish
Coma cuando sienta hambre ➔ Eat when you are hungry
El menu por favor? ➔ May I have a menu?
Puedo ver el menú? ➔ May I see a menu?
¿Que quieres beber? ➔ What would you like to drink?
¿Que sabores de helados tienes? ➔ What flavors do you have?
Quiero ver el menú, por favor ➔ I would like to see the menu, please
Tengo Hambre ➔ I'm hungry
¿Tienes hambre? ➔ Are you hungry?
¿Tienes una mesa para seis personas? ➔ Do you have a table for six?
*Spanish food and drink terms last updated: February 19, 2025.
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Spanish Animals: Learn how to say animal names in Spanish.
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